西城家族吧 关注:155贴子:7,333



Nicky: Haha he doesn't realise its me ! Bang ! #TruthHurts in fairness "rule the world" is a choon !! 哈哈,他没有意识到那是我!打击啊!真相总是伤人的。平心而论,Rule the world真是经典!!(9月4日)

117楼2012-09-05 21:53

    Nicky: Aha he tells me he's been driving 20 hrs straight !! See tht explains all .. Sleep deprivation can send your head wonky ! 啊哈,他告诉我他已经连续开车开了20小时了!!看吧,这解释了一切.. 剥夺睡眠将会让你脑子不清楚!(9月4日)

    118楼2012-09-05 21:54

      Nicky: He defo is asleep my jokes have fallen flat .. He asked me what I do I said I'm a black belt belt -- in Karaoke -- no smile or response 他肯定很疲倦,我的玩笑都不顶用.. 他问我我是干什么的,我说我是卡拉OK中的黑带,没有微笑,没有回复 (9月4日)

      119楼2012-09-05 21:55
        Nicky: Ready to fly home.. Good day at the office, Never worked in an office,but I believe if I did this might be what a good day would feel like.. 准备飞回家了.. 在办公室度过了很棒的一天,从来没有在一间办公室里工作过,但是我相信如果我这样做了,美好的一天也许就是这样的.. (9月5日)

        120楼2012-09-05 21:55

          Nicky: Ok I'm offski .. Up up & away Aer Lingus Rulez.. !! Gonna be a pilot in My next life Slán . 好吧,我要下飞机了.. 在爱尔兰航空飞机上上下下..!! 下一辈子我将会成为一名飞行员吧 (9月5日)

          121楼2012-09-05 21:55

            Nicky: Besta luck @SkyEnda doing the Dub City Marathon Oct 29th 4 Marie Keating foundation Here's link to sponsor http://t.cn/zWgfT2W (9月5日)

            122楼2012-09-05 21:55

              Kian:Me and my baby having a ball at Electric Picnic 我和我的宝贝在Electric Picnic参加舞会 (9月5日)

              123楼2012-09-05 21:56

                Kian:Jodi's direct line to god! How cool is this chick!! Jodi通往上帝的直达线!这女人真酷啊!(9月5日)

                124楼2012-09-05 21:56

                  Kian:Can you believe I didn't even realise me and Mark were on xtra factor last Saturday! 你们相信吗,我居然没有意识到上周六Xtra Factor播了我和Mark (9月5日)

                  125楼2012-09-05 21:56

                    Nicky:Sorry Phil im not on the show today am I ? :) RT @Schofe: And on that subject, today, the man with allegedly the biggest penis in the world! (8月6日)【此tweet比较邪恶,大家自己看看咯,不翻啦】

                    126楼2012-09-08 21:33
                      Nicky:Ireland behind to Kazakstan ? It's time Trap left the building .. No excuses . 爱尔兰落后哈萨克斯坦?是时候让Trap离开了.. 没有理由. (9月8日)

                      127楼2012-09-08 21:34

                        Nicky:So there you are, the rumours Were true ! I've signed up & looking forward to being a part of Strictly Come Dancing 2012.. Holy shitballs ! 所以就是这样,之前的谣言是真的!我已经签约了,期待成为2012《舞动奇迹》的一份子.. 太棒啦!(9月8日)

                        128楼2012-09-08 21:34

                          Nicky:I'm excited I'm scared & I'm laughing all in one ! It's gonna be such a challenge and I'm reallylooking forward to it. What a great lineup, 我又激动、又害怕、又一直在笑!挑战会很大,我真心期待这个节目。选手都很强大 (9月8日)

                          129楼2012-09-08 21:34

                            Nicky:In store too this year.. Some real surprises coming over the wkd ! Chat soon folks my twitter is exploding !! keeeeep dancing #scd 今年还会发生一些事情.. 一些真正的惊喜这周末会公布!伙计们,以后再聊,我的twitter快爆炸啦!!一直跳舞噢 (9月8日)

                            130楼2012-09-08 21:35

                              Nicky:En route to first day group rehearsals Feels like my first day at school :) Thx to @lifestylesports for the clobber ! 在去首日团体排练的路上,感觉像我在学校的第一天:)谢谢lifestylesports提供的装备!(9月8日)


                              133楼2012-09-08 21:36