Nicky:Will put the kettle on .. Cmon Adam ! #TeamIreland RT @IABABOXING: Adam Nolan due to box in the 8.30pm session on RTE - could be 10pm ish 加油 Adam !爱尔兰队 RT @IABABOXING:“Adam在RTE的晚上8:30档进行拳击比赛 - 可能在10点左右” (7月29日)
Nicky:Thx to all who confirmed tht Adam Nolan fight is on RTE2 10.15 2nite Thx also to everyone who called me a lazy bastard and to check myself.. 感谢所有证实Adam Nolan的比赛今晚10:15在RTE2台直播。同样也谢谢叫我懒鬼而且让我自己去查的每位.. (7月29日)
Nicky: Tune.. "& I would walk 500 miles & I would walk 500 more Aya Napa,Aya Napa,Aya Napa,Aya Napa dum dum dum diddleum diddleum diddleum diddleum (7月29日)
Nicky:Just met my brand new nephew Sonny .. Only 3 days old ! A little smasher .. Well done Cecelia & Dave 刚刚去看了我才出生不久的侄子Sonny.. 只有3天大!一个小家伙.. 很棒噢 Cecelia与Dave (这个应该是26日的)
Nicky:Thanks Tara , hope alls well ! RT @xenaproductions: @nickybyrneoffic great night to be in the audience as well 谢谢 Tara,希望一切都好!RT Tara:“作为观众也享受了美妙的一晚” (今天)
Nicky:Watching the first offline edit of Westlife live in croke park DVD .. DVD Not out until November . Was some night ! 观看了Westlife Croke Park现场DVD的首次离线编辑版.. DVD要在11月才发行.. 很棒的一晚!(今天)
Nicky:Dont tell them about '82 they might not serve you !! RT @NormanWhiteside: Getting ready for lunchy poos :) 不要告诉他们关于'82的事情,他们也许不会为你供餐!!RT Norman:“准备好午餐了:)” (8月1日)
Nicky:Any1 remember when the tar used to bubble in the heat on ur road ? We'd Burst them & stick lollipop sticks in it #WhereAreTheHotSummersGone? 还有人记得在路上发现柏油路因热气泡的时光吗?我们会刺破它,然后将棒棒糖的棍子插进去 炎热的夏天去哪儿了呢? (8月1日)