Shane:So its the Mrs @Gillian_Filan 1st twitter birthday today . Lets get her to 40k by midnight !!... 所以今天是Gillian Twitter的1岁生日. 让我们在午夜前将她的粉丝到达4万吧!!(8月26日)
Nicky:A great day doing VoiceOvers on Footballs Next Star .. Episodes looking tremendous ! Gonna be a great series.. Hits TV in October 度过了为Footballs Next Star作画外音的很棒的一天.. 节目看起来非常棒!会是很棒的一季的.. 十月会在电视上播出 (8月28日)
Nicky:5 shows voiced over today & "Footballs Next Star" is finally in the can,Check the gate! Studio all day,did I miss anything in the world ..? 今天完成了5场节目的后期录音,Footballs Next Star终于杀青了,查看日期吧!今天在工作室呆了一天,我错过了什么事么?(8月29日)
Nicky: 2005 - I'll never forget this :) RT @nickybyrneafish: 1 of THE TOP 5 @nickybyrneoffic clips of all time Twinkle the Cow 2005 - 我永远不会忘记 :) RT 歌迷:“Nicky ByrneTOP5之一的视频片段,Twinkle the Cow” (8月29日)
Nicky:Today my two little men started 'big' school .. A huge moment in their little lives and Mommy & Daddys too ! #Proud 今天我的两个儿子开始上学了.. 这是他们一生中重大的时刻,同时也是妈妈和爸爸的重要时刻!非常自豪 (8月31日)
Nicky: I think airport scanners shud detect smells too,If u haven't showered then ur not getting on the plane.. Bloke in front of me in Q #Stinkin 我认为机场扫描仪同样应该探测气味,如果你没有洗澡,那么你就不能上飞机.. 我前面坐在Q排的家伙好臭 (9月4日)
Nicky: "Rule the world" on in cab, I ask the driver what he thinks of Westlife Ans " yeah they alrite but younger generation like Take That more" 出租车上正在播放Rule the world,我问司机他对Westlife的看法,回答“是的,他们不错,但是年轻的一代更喜欢Take That”(9月4日)