Sam Wheat: Would you stop rambling?
Sam Wheat:你能不能不要不着边际?
Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. He's got a' attitude now.
Oda Mae Brown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。他现在必须有一个想法。
Sam Wheat: I don't have an attitude.
Sam Wheat:我没有想法。
Oda Mae Brown: Yes, you do have an attitude. If you didn't have an attitude, you would not have raised your voice at me now would you?
Oda Mae Brown:是的。你现在是没有什么想法。如果你没有想法,你就不会冲着我提高自己的音量了不是吗?