- 42 -
Why am I not surprised that you only gathered the guts to write me that letter when you knew I might not live to read it?
I don't really know what to say. I guess I'm mostly relieved that I didn't offend you that night. I mean, not that it matters what your sexual orientation is, because what I did was still wrong, but I'm hoping the fact that you're writing to me again means you've forgiven me. And if it helps, I have no problem with your being gay. It's just... I'm sorry, but I have to ask: Why do you stay with Astoria if you don't love her?
How have you been? I can't believe you moved to France. What made you decide to do it? I thought you enjoyed your life here. The people at the Prophet sure seemed sorry about your resignation.
Well, regardless of your reasons for leaving, I hope you're enjoying yourself. Ginny wants to take a vacation there, but it's hard to find time between her games and practices, my job (yes, I'm still an Auror after what happened... I appreciate your concern for my family, but I've learned from my mistakes), and the kids. Maybe we'll go for the hols. If we do, I'll let you know.
Happy belated birthday, by the way.
H. Potter
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Monday, June 29, 2009
For your information, the wizarding world as a whole is tolerant of homosexuality. We're nothing like those disgusting Muggles of yours, with their savage treatment of gays. So I never expected you to have a problem, especially considering one of your best friends is a Mudbl Muggle-born.
As for the reasons why I married Astoria, go ask said Muggle-born friend. I'm sure she'll be able to enlighten you on the intricacies of marriages of convenience.
France is much more exciting, much more alive than Britain. I prefer the climate and the people. It's difficult relearning the language, but I'd much rather be here than in London, trudging through puddles on my way to interview yet another pointless celebrity. Unlike you, I like change in my life.
Don't bring your wife here. She already has enough freckles.
D. Malfoy
P.S. I'm glad yo Shame you didn't die. I rather would have enjoyed preparing a funeral speech.
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Oh, I never thought about it that way. I guess it makes sense, since Muggles don't care about blood.
I asked Hermione, but I still can't wrap my mind around the concept. Why would you marry someone if you don't love them? Marriage doesn't give you power or status. And what if you fall in love with someone else? Then you'd be stuck in a relationship you could have avoided. Seems a bit stupid, really.
H. Potter
P.S. Speech? Yeah, right. You'd probably be off celebrating if I died./strike
- 45 -
Sunday, July 18, 2009
Of course you wouldn't understand, Potter. You Gryffindors idealise blind monogamy You never think about what's convenient or resourceful, because you let your feelings take over common sense.
Marriage is important because it provides you with a cover. When you're married, you're not watched as closely. You're free to live your life out of the spotlight. Furthermore, if you marry for convenience, you'll never have reason to divorce. It's a lot less messy than tying the knot with whomever you feel attracted to at the moment. Marriage is also a sign of respectability and maturity another reason why you don't understand it.
D. Malfoy
- 46 -
Hermione told me there was an article about your apothecary in the The Practical Potioneer today. Apparently it's well-known, even over here. I hope you aren't selling anything illegal.
I clipped out the article and sent it with the owl, just in case you were interested in reading it.
Oh, and I saw your dad the other day. I asked about you, and he got a bit shirty with me. More so than usual, I mean. Said I had no right to enquire after you, and then refused to elaborate. Do you know what he meant by it?
H. Potter
- 47 -
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We're not best mates, so unless you have a better reason to contact me than wanting to tell me about your daily activities, don't bother. And no, I haven't the slightest idea what my father meant by it. He never liked you much.
D. Malfoy
- 48 -
F*ck you, Malfoy.
H. Potter
- 49 -
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
You already have.
D. Malfoy