It's better to not know which moment may be your last, every morsel
of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all. C'est la
vie. 永远不要妄图知道自己的末日,生命的奥妙就在于活在当下。
A single hand that wipes your tears in failures is much better than
countless hands that come together to clap on your success. 失败的时候,一只拭去你泪痕的手,要比成功的时候,无数双只向你祝贺的手重要。
这句话 我超级喜欢 @shmily·星辰 Without communication there is no relationship; without respect
there is no love; without trust there’s no reason to
continue. 没有交流,就没有关系; 没有尊重,就没有爱; 没有信任,那就没有必要再继续了。
The meaning of life is to forget and forgive. Forgive the one who
deserves it, and forget those people who are not worthy of being
remembered. 生活的真谛在于宽恕与忘记。宽恕那些值得的人,忘记那些不值得的人。