生化危机吧 关注:706,074贴子:15,065,070




IP属地:广东1楼2012-05-11 20:38回复

    施消灭幸存的S.T.A.R.S.队员,并且趁着混乱将复仇女神T型(Nemesis-T Type,后文统称追击者)部署到了市内。复仇女神杀死了布拉德·维克斯,但是吉尔设法躲开了这个怪物。

    IP属地:广东4楼2012-05-11 20:38

      导弹随后到达并彻底摧毁了浣熊市。[译者注:事实上这次代号为“双重轨迹”(Mission Code: XX)的核打击行动复杂的多,此处过于简略,关于这次核打击我会在今后的“行动代号:双重轨迹”译稿专门讲解这次核打击]

      IP属地:广东5楼2012-05-11 20:38

        Afterwards, from June to July, more reports of unusual deaths and mysterious wildlife sighted at the Arklay mountains were cited. Because of these reports, as well as the roads to Arklay Mountains by the police being closed off on July 9th, the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, led by Enrico Marini, were dispatched to investigate.
        Unbeknownst to either Umbrella or S.T.A.R.S., the viral outbreak in the Arklay region was deliberately engineered by James Marcus. Umbrella later sent a fax to their agent and head of security, S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Captain Albert Wesker, into luring the S.T.A.R.S. Team into being killed by the now-rogue B.O.W's. On July 23, the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team's helicopter was forced to crash land due to an engine failure.
        Around the same time, the Ecliptic Express train also becoming infected with the t-Virus via Marcus' leeches, screeching to a halt, to which Rebecca Chambers, a member of Bravo Team, discovers. Likewise, Bravo Team's primary pilot, Kevin Dooley, was killed by the escaped Ceberus pack, whereas the co-pilot, Edward Dewey, managed to survive the attack, but soon succumbed to his wounds upon entering the Eclipse Express, though not before warning Rebecca that there were zombies and monsters in the forest.
        Wesker, alongside researcher William Birkin, observed the events, and also gave commands to the Umbrella investigative squad on the train until they met their own ends at the hands of Marcus' leeches and were promptly infected.
        Bravo Team eventually managed to arrive at the Spencer Mansion, while Chambers arriving at the Umbrella Research Center with an escaped convict, Billy Coen. Wesker and Birkin were also surprised of Marcus' apparent revival, with Wesker departing to take care of the escaped prototype tyrant, leaving Birkin to activate a Gondola.
        The next day, these events also forced them to activate the training facility's self-destruct protocol, to which Wesker also decided to leave Umbrella. Wesker also had to contend to an Ivan dispatched by Sergei for his disobedience, although the self-destruct devices activating allowed Wesker an opportunity to escape when Sergei and the Ivan were forced to block the explosions, also retrieving the T-A.L.Os B.O.W., an event which Rebecca and Richards briefly witnessed before being attacked by the Yawn B.O.W.
        Likewise, Wesker himself led Alpha Team to search for the missing members of Bravo Team, and were then forced to hide out at the Arklay Mansion after the discovery of the Bravo Team's crashed helicopter ended in an ambush by Zombie Dogs that resulted in the death of Joseph Frost. Wesker then had Barry Burton lure the rest of his team into various traps, under the threat that Wesker kill his family if he doesn't do so.
        Alpha Team members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine later discover Enrico Marini in the caverns of the mansion, and reveals that he found some evidence of a traitor within the unit, citing that he managed to draw it down to two suspects, Wesker 

        IP属地:广东7楼2012-05-11 20:41
          and Redfield. However, he is then gunned down by an unknown assailant (actually Wesker) and killed, although not before he hints that Umbrella was responsible for the disaster in his dying breaths.
          Wesker then planned to steal the Tyrant for himself, also injecting himself with a prototype virus, having anticipated the possibility that the Tyrant murders him when he release it. They later find the laboratory and find Wesker among the photos, causing them to learn that Wesker was in fact the traitor to the unit. Wesker then attempts to sic the Tyrant on them, but as he had anticipated, the Tyrant turned against him and impaled him before going after them.
          Jill and Chris later wound the Tyrant and seemingly killed it, although it was revived shortly thereafter. Likewise, the prototype virus also allowed Wesker to survive the Tyrant's earlier attack, also embuing him with superhuman abilities at the cost of his humanity.
          Jill, Chris, and Rebecca all escape after killing the Tyrant once and for all, as well as set the self-destruct device, with Barry Burton also aiding in the escape effort. Wesker, meanwhile, also escaped, and had ran a mile away from the mansion before the self-destruct device went off, also killing Lisa for good in the process. Afterwards, S.T.A.R.S. was disbanded after they supplied their report on the events on the Arklay incident, mostly due to Brian Irons' being paid off by Umbrella to cover up the incident.
          Cause and effectEdit
          The sewer rats consuming the t-Virus samples.
          By September 1998, Umbrella scientist William Birkin successfully completed his work on the G-virus. Intending on selling his creation to the U.S. military, Umbrella turned against him and sent a U.S.S. unit to recover the G-virus. They discovered Birkin in his lab preparing to escape, and during the subsequent scuffle, an overeager operative shot Birkin. As Birkin lay dying, the operatives took the virus samples and fled the lab through the vast, secret sewer system beneath Raccoon City, specifically the R.P.D.. Before his death, Birkin successfully injected one of the G-virus samples into his body and transformed.
          Birkin then went on a rampage and chased the U.S.S. soldiers out of the lab and into the sewers, killing them there and destroying the vials containing the "G" and t-Viruses. The released virus spilled into the sewers and led the sewer rats to ingest it by both consuming it and feeding on the bodies of the U.S.S. The rats then began spreading it to the surface, while the rest leaked into the city's water supply, infecting the inhabitants of the now-doomed Raccoon City.
          A hopeless causeEdit
          Zombies infest the streets
          By September 24, the outbreak had reached epidemic levels in the city. Several people at J's Bar manage to escape the streets, which by then were inundated by zombies. Will, the bartender and Bob, friend of fellow survivor Mark Wilkins died in the attempted escape. The survivors destroyed a fuel truck and escaped to a small canal, where they met 

          IP属地:广东8楼2012-05-11 20:41
            officers at the Apple Inn on the other side. The survivors used a bomb to destroy the zombies on Main Street, where the police in charge were killed or wounded. Elsewhere a helicopter carrying some 40 regugees crashed near the tram line, killing everyone. At 9PM, the Pentagon had the city quarantined and sent in the US Army to restrict civilian movement.[8] The roads were being barricaded by the following morning.
            By September 27, Raccoon City was completely infected, and all semblence of normal life had been destroyed as crashed and abandoned vehicles and dead bodies littered the streets and several buildings burned out of control due to the collapse of the Raccoon Fire Department.
            Hordes of zombies filled the streets and overran the last remnants of Raccoon City Police Department in a major battle on the city streets on the night of September 27, and soon after overrun the police station itself, removing what was most likely the last safe zone in the city.
            Umbrella dispatched their Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.) to assist the police. In reality, the U.B.C.S. were actually just pawns used by Umbrella while their inside man; Nicholai Ginovaef acted as their leader and secretly collected data. The U.B.C.S. fared little better than the R.P.D. in containing the zombies, with almost all those dispatched to the city killed by September 28.
            "Last Escape"Edit
            On the night of September 27, Jill Valentine, recently resigned from S.T.A.R.S. returned to the city after investigating Umbrella with Chris Redfield and Barry Burton. The three of them made an agreement; Jill would continue her investigation within Raccoon while Chris and Barry would go to Europe to investigate Umbrella's main HQ, with Jill rendezvousing with them later.
            When the outbreak hit, Jill stayed in her apartment while the zombies overran the city and the U.B.C.S. and police tried to keep them at bay. She decides to make a run for it and as a former S.T.A.R.S. member, felt obligated to help any survivors. Meanwhile, Umbrella had already taken steps to kill the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members, and deployed the Nemesis-T Type into the city amidst the chaos. The Nemesis kills Brad Vickers, but Jill manages to avoid the creature.
            Jill later meets a U.B.C.S. member named Carlos Oliveira. Despite the fact he works for Umbrella and Jill despises Umbrella, Carlos takes her to his leader Nicholai Zinoviev, who doesn't seem to trust her at first. They make a plan to rendezvous at the Saint Michael Clock Tower, where an escape helicopter will pick them up by using a city tram. However, the tram wasn't working, so they plan to find tools to work the tram. While searching for tools, Jill had believed that Nicholai was killed so only Jill, Carlos, and a injured Mikhail Victor got the tram working and escape. However, the Nemesis attacked the tram and Mikhail sacrificed himself to save Jill and Carlos by using a grenade at the Nemesis. This caused the tram to haywire and 

            IP属地:广东9楼2012-05-11 20:41
              crash into the Clock Tower courtyard. Jill managed to make a signal at the clock tower and the rescue helicopter came, only to be shot down by the Nemesis. The Nemesis infects Jill with the t-Virus and Jill is forced to kill it. Jill became unconscious and fell into a deep sleep, just as Carlos showed up where the two were fighting.
              On the night of September 29, after Jill's infection, Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy arrived in Raccoon City not knowing of the outbreak due to the lack of protection from the guards. The two met after Leon saved Claire from nearly being killed. The two headed to the police department, but were separated after a truck driver (who turned into a zombie after being bitten by a zombie moments earlier) crashed into their vehicle. Claire met gun store owner Robert Kendo, who was killed by zombies moments later, then she arrived at the police station and found injured R.P.D. officer Marvin Branagh. After searching the S.T.A.R.S. office, Claire saw a little girl who was being attacked by a zombie. Leon arrived and found the same little girl who ran away from him. Claire and Leon met up and decided to split up to find her. Under command from Sergei Vladmir, a helicopter airdrops its "t" pods, with T-00 hitting the R.P.D. and the others hitting the Dead Factory to attack a US Military team. Leon encounters the T-00, who seems to be following and attacking Leon wherever he goes. Leon enters the underground parking lot and meets a mysterious woman named Ada Wong. She is searching for a reporter named Ben Bertolucci who knows about the Umbrella Corporation.
              Still in the Police Station, Claire meets Chief Brian Irons, who was supposed to watch over the mayor's daughter, but failed as she was was killed. Claire finds the little girl, who's name is Sherry Birkin. Both of Sherry's parents work for Umbrella and her mother tells her to go to the police station. Claire then was able to find a secret passage in Chief Iron's office. She finds the chief, who was attacked by an unknown monster, who implanted embryos in his body. She learned of Iron's involvement with Umbrella, and the fact that he refused to tell the truth about the Mansion Incident. She also learned about the G-virus and William Birkin, Sherry's father and creator of the G-virus. Irons then died after the embryos in his body hatched. Leon and Ada found Ben and learned about Iron's involvement. Ben was then attacked and killed by the same monster that killed Irons. Ada leaves to find Umbrella's lab to try to find her boyfriend.
              While in the sewers, Claire and Sherry got separated and Sherry was then infected by the monster, who is revealed to be William Birkin, who transformed into the monster G after injecting himself with the G-virus. Claire met Sherry's mother Annette Birkin who told Claire about the G-virus. Leon pursues Annette and is shot in the chest. Ada confronted Annette and later came back to patch up Leon. Claire found Sherry, only to find out she was infected. The two continued on into Umbrella's 

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