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IP属地:浙江1楼2012-04-22 16:12回复

    Albus Dumbledore
    (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
    Dear Mr Potter,
    We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
    Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
    Yours sincerely,
    Minerva McGonagallDeputy Headmistress

    IP属地:浙江2楼2012-04-22 16:13

      Welcome to Diagon Street
      This cobbled street sells everything from cauldrons to cats. You’ll need to open your account at Gringotts to buy the books and equipment you need for Hogwarts, but first you’ll need to find your shopping list...

      IP属地:浙江4楼2012-04-22 16:16
        Diagon Alley is a cobbled, crooked street, hidden in London, where many witches and wizards gather to do their shopping. It may be accessed by tapping a brick on the wall behind The Leaky Cauldron pub. Everything a student needs for their year at Hogwarts – school books, robes, potions ingredients, wands – may be purchased in this winding, bustling lane.

        IP属地:浙江5楼2012-04-22 16:20
          Eeylops Owl Emporium is a dark shop that sells owls. Hagrid buys Harry a white snowy owl that Harry later names Hedwig.

          IP属地:浙江6楼2012-04-22 16:22
            Flourish and Blotts is the main bookshop in Diagon Alley; students buy their textbooks for their upcoming year at Hogwarts here.

            IP属地:浙江7楼2012-04-22 16:23

              Gringotts Wizarding Bank is situated in Diagon Alley and run by goblins; it towers over the other shops with its snowy white façade and bronzed, guarded doors. The silver inner doors feature an ominous warning about the dangers of attempting to steal anything from the bank.
              Gringotts’ vaults are buried deep below its main hall, accessed by taking bumpy, speedy cart rides through twisting passages. The goblins seem to take pleasure and pride in the traps they have devised for thieves, and there are rumours that dragons guard the highest-security vaults. Hagrid says there is no safer place than Gringotts, other than Hogwarts.

              IP属地:浙江8楼2012-04-22 16:23
                Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions is a clothing shop in Diagon Alley where many students purchase their robes for Hogwarts. Harry meets Draco for the first time here while they both are being fitted for robes.

                IP属地:浙江9楼2012-04-22 16:24
                  = =然后就停在这里了……

                  IP属地:浙江10楼2012-04-22 16:29
                    我的魔杖 哈哈……

                    IP属地:浙江11楼2012-04-30 16:06
                      Love endured, but trust had been broken between her parents, and Minerva, a clever and observant child, saw this with sadness. Two more children, both sons, were born to the McGonagalls, and both, in due course, revealed magical ability. Minerva helped her mother explain to Malcolm and Robert Junior that they must not flaunt their magic, and aided her mother in concealing from their father the accidents and embarrassments their magic sometimes caused.
                      Minerva was very close to her Muggle father, whom in temperament she resembled more than her mother. She saw with pain how much he struggled with the family’s strange situation. She sensed, too, how much of a strain it was for her mother to fit in with the all-Muggle village, and how much she missed the freedom of being with her kind, and of exercising her considerable talents. Minerva never forgot how much her mother cried, when the letter of admittance into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry arrived on Minerva’s eleventh birthday; she knew that Isobel was sobbing, not only out of pride, but also out of envy.
                      School Career
                      As is often the case where the young witch or wizard comes from a family who has struggled with its magical identity, Hogwarts was, for Minerva McGonagall, a place of joyful release and freedom.
                      Minerva drew unusual attention to herself on her very first evening, when she was revealed to be a Hatstall. After five and a half minutes, the Sorting Hat, which had been vacillating between the houses of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, placed Minerva in the latter. (In later years, this circumstance was a subject of gentle humour between Minerva and her colleague Filius Flitwick, over whom the Sorting Hat suffered the same confusion, but reached the opposite conclusion. The two Heads of house were amused to think that they might, but for those crucial moments in their youths, have exchanged positions).
                      Minerva was quickly recognised as the most outstanding student of her year, with a particular talent for Transfiguration. As she progressed through the school, she demonstrated that she had inherited both her mother’s talents and her father’s cast-iron moral sense. Minerva’s school career overlapped by two years with that of Pomona Sprout, later Head of Hufflepuff House, and the two women enjoyed an excellent relationship both then, and in later years.
                      By the end of her education at Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall had achieved an impressive record: top grades in O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, Prefect, Head Girl, and winner of the Transfiguration Today Most Promising Newcomer award. Under the guidance of her inspirational Transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore, she had managed to become an Animagus; her animal form, with its distinctive markings (tabby cat, square spectacles markings around eyes) were duly logged in the Ministry of Magic’s Animagus Registry. Minerva was also, like her mother, a gifted Quidditch player, although a nasty fall in her final year (a foul during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin game which would decide the Cup winner) left her with concussion, several broken ribs and a lifelong desire to see Slytherin crushed on the Quidditch pitch. Though she gave up Quidditch on leaving Hogwarts, the innately competitive Professor McGonagall later took a keen interest in the fortunes of her house team, and retained a keen eye for Quidditch talent.

                      IP属地:浙江13楼2012-04-30 16:13
                        O O第一次遇到度受自动分段……

                        IP属地:浙江14楼2012-04-30 16:13

                          IP属地:浙江16楼2012-04-30 16:24

                            Congratulations! I’m Prefect Robert Hilliard, and I’m delighted to welcome you to RAVENCLAW HOUSE. Our emblem is the eagle, which soars where others cannot climb; our house colours are blue and bronze, and our common room is found at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, behind a door with an enchanted knocker. The arched windows set into the walls of our circular common room look down at the school grounds: the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the Herbology gardens. No other house in the school has such stunning views.
                            Without wishing to boast, this is the house where the cleverest witches and wizards live. Our founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, prized learning above all else – and so do we. Unlike the other houses, who all have concealed entrances to their common rooms, we don’t need one. The door to our common room lies at the top of a tall, winding staircase. It has no handle, but an enchanted bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. When you rap on the door, this knocker will ask you a question, and if you can answer it correctly, you are allowed in. This simple barrier has kept out everyone but Ravenclaws for nearly a thousand years.
                            Some first-years are scared by having to answer the eagle’s questions, but don’t worry. Ravenclaws learn quickly, and you’ll soon enjoy the challenges the door sets. It’s not unusual to find twenty people standing outside the common room door, all trying to work out the answer to the day’s question together. This is a great way to meet fellow Ravenclaws from other years, and to learn from them – although it is a bit annoying if you’ve forgotten your Quidditch robes and need to get in and out in a hurry. In fact, I’d advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower.
                            Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual – some might even call them eccentrics. But geniuses are often out of step with ordinary folk, and unlike some other houses we could mention, we think you’ve got the right to wear what you like, believe what you want, and say what you feel. We aren’t put off by people who march to a different tune; on the contrary, we value them!
                            Speaking of eccentrics, you’ll like our Head of house, Professor Filius Flitwick. People often underestimate him, because he’s really tiny (we think he’s part elf, but we’ve never been rude enough to ask) and he’s got a squeaky voice, but he’s the best and most knowledgeable Charms master alive in the world today. His office door is always open to any Ravenclaw with a problem, and if you’re in a real state he’ll get out these delicious little cupcakes he keeps in a tin in his desk drawer and make them do a little dance for you. In fact, it’s worth pretending you’re in a real state just to see them jive.
                            Ravenclaw house has an illustrious history. Most of the greatest wizarding inventors and innovators were in our house, including Perpetua Fancourt, the inventor of the lunascope, Laverne de Montmorency, a great pioneer of love potions, and Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of Floo powder. Famous Ravenclaw Ministers for Magic include Millicent Bagnold, who was in power on the night that Harry Potter survived the Dark Lord’s curse, and defended the wizarding celebrations all over Britain with the words, ‘I assert our inalienable right to party'. There was also Minister Lorcan McLaird, who was a quite brilliant wizard, but preferred to communicate by puffing smoke out of the end of his wand. Well, I did say we produce eccentrics. In fact, we are also the house that gave the wizarding world Uric the Oddball, who used a jellyfish for a hat. He’s the punch line of a lot of wizarding jokes.

                            IP属地:浙江17楼2012-04-30 16:25
                              = =突然发现没有记章节数……好吧..算了

                              IP属地:浙江19楼2012-04-30 16:26