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HKATV Artist, CCTV 青歌赛, China & Hong Kong 星光大道 Singing Contest winner>Sunny Yu 于天龙 exclusive interview on I Golden Link Radio
After 星岛协辧之2012 台湾中国电视公司 Million Star (Regional) Singing Contest took place in San Francisco, this upcoming Wednesday (9th May 2012) "乐韵人生 Live the music lives" program, I will be interviewing Hong Kong ATV's young artist Sunny Yu 于天龙, who's CCTV 青歌赛季军, also a winner of China and Hong Kong's 星光大道 Singing Contest. 2006年天龙第二次参加青歌赛后,获得全国人气奖,他唱的一首“太 阳”,当晚有16万人投票给他,获得了人气冠军.
Sunny was originally born in the U.S., now setting his career path in the Far East. On top of being a young talented singer/performer he also composes his own songs and lyrics. I will be also have Sunny's parents Walter Yu 于维东 and Anna Kong江安娜 to join us on this interview. This talented couple are also composers and producers and they have been hundred percent supportive to help Sunny to achieve his goal.
It will be interesting for all of us to share this family's life experiences. Also, for many youngsters who are interested in show business, I am sure this interview can benefit them while working their ways to achieve their dreams.
I will also broadcast Sunny's original songs from his albums. One of his album was being released by China Record Company.
Listeneners in U.S. Bay Area can tune in to A.M.1400, from 9:00-11:00p.m. Pacific standard time.
For Hong Kong/China viewers, the program's airing time will be Thursday (10th May 2012, 12:00 p.m. noon)
Viewers around the world can go on line to view and listen to the program live at our radio station website: "
www.igoldenlink.comListeners/viewers are also welcomed to phone in from any part of the world and chat along. Our station hotline number is: 415-777-5886
See you all on air this Wednesday (9th May 2012)

Sunny Yu Fan Club:
with daddy 于维东when Sunny was little

Sunny the tinny little drummer :)))))

Sunny and Alice 2011 Hong Kong

Sunny's mommy Anna and Alice
Alice Lui写於 2012年5月7日23:08