To them, To us, For SNSD As a sone you’ll probably hear a lot of fan accounts about how other
sones met SNSD at the fansign today. But I wanted to shed some light on
the amazing sones that don’t have that kind of story for you today. For the Best Buy fansign people started lining up at midnight, maybe
even earlier. By 6am there were already over a thousand sones waiting in
line for 300 bracelets. In the end 700+ were sent away. At 4pm the entrance to Best Buy was already packed with around a
thousand sones. So packed and hectic SNSD couldn’t even get off their
bus because of the entrance being blocked. They had to find another
entrance to get into Best Buy. By 6pm the 300 with bracelets already went in Best Buy but over a thousand sones didn’t give up and still stood in line. Even at 7pm people continued to line up.
There was probably no hope for these sones to see the girls but we
still waited. By 7:45 Best Buy decided to let some non bracelet sones in
but closed it off at 8pm.
We still didn’t give up at 8. Even when the security was telling us
we were wasting our time. We told them that they were still in there and
we still have hope.
With one look this may look like a rage rant or me being butt hurt but we did show certain people a few things about sones. To them, it may be stupid to stand for over 4 hours even though the
chances to getting to meet SNSD personally was less than 1%. But you
know what? We showed you our love and support for SNSD to wait that long
outside in 30 degree weather holding on the tiny thread of hope and
using it as our strength. To us, it might have been a mistake that some didn’t line up earlier
or couldn’t line up earlier. But NO ONE can say we were not dedicated,
we knew our chances to get in was slim, hell we knew that we might not
be able to see them at all. Even with that knowledge we were unwavering,
just like our love and support for them.
For SNSD, we showed Interscope not to underestimate our numbers. We
showed those security guards they weren’t just some unknown girl group
and their fans can cause whole sidewalk to be blocked out
(unintentionally) on one of the busiest streets in NY. Most of all we
showed SNSD that their sones are here and that we love them no matter
what. Even if we had to stand in the cold for hours just hoping.
Even though me and other sones couldn’t see them. For this I was
proud. Proud to be able to tell SNSD that I love them even though I
didn’t get to see them. Actions do speak louder than words.
This pride is all I got today. This pride of the sones who couldn’t get in today, will never be taken away. Never.