慕斯chalmus吧 关注:20贴子:575
  • 2回复贴,共1



1、Do to hell!滚蛋!
2、Don't jump on me.不要跟我发火。
3、No dice.不行了。
4、He always goofs off.他总是糊里糊涂。
5、He's down and out.他已经完了。
6、It's on the house. 这是免费的。
7、That will be the day.要有这么一天就好了

1楼2011-08-13 23:29回复
    Can I give it a shot? 我能试一下吗? 2、I made you some drinks.我给你准备了一些喝的。3、I seriously doubt that. 我很怀疑 4、That’s out of the question.这件事没得商量。5、Let me handle it .让我来摆平!6、Don’t fall for it.不要信以为真。(

    2楼2011-08-28 00:37
      1.Come to the point! 有话直说!2.Don't give me that! 少来这套!3.Don't let me down! 别让我失望!4.Give me a break! 饶了我吧!5.It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!6.None of your business! 没你事!7.So far, so good! 还过得去!8.You have my word! 我保证!

      3楼2011-09-03 21:53