辗转中的快乐在百转千回中碎成一地琉璃。 我站在风中把它们扫进心底最阴暗的角落。 Remnants of happiness in BaiZhuanQianHui crushing into a land coloured glaze. I stood in the wind sweeping them into the bottom of the darkest corner.
把我的喉咙囚禁于透露不出诚实之光的黑暗。 把它们放在心上或穿墙透风此刻我只能不管。 My throat is held in the light of the truth revealed not darkness. Put them in the heart or through-wall drafty at this moment, I can only regardless.
千言万语说不清 我一直存活在有你的幻境里。 我用尽全身的爱跟力气却只能换来半生的回忆 A thousand words say I've been living in have your dreamland. I use all my love with strength but only for half of memories
你睁大眼睛 望着我的心 看着却无法救赎我的心情。 我转身离去 不再去看你 告诉自己要将你移出梦里。 You zheng big eyes looking at my heart watched cannot redeem my mood. I turned and left no longer go to see you tell yourself will you move out of the dream.
你本来有一颗美好的心灵 将我世界里所有的黑暗照明。 你本也有一双明亮的眼睛 看穿我眼里给你的所有柔情。 You had a single good heart will in the entire world to me all the darkness lighting. You should also have a pair of bright eyes see through my eyes to all of your gentleness.
因为不是我。所以再怎么竭力看破猜透也是枉然。 因为不是我。你再怎么假意善良也不懂我多委屈。 因为不是我。你又有什么资格借用虚伪来刺痛我。 For I am not. So how again to forgo our psych out vain. For I am not. You can't hypocrisy kind also don't understand how I grievance. For I am not. You have again what qualifications to borrow hypocrisy pricked me.