空间寄语吧 关注:334贴子:2,603

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Bronze Award

Title: Ten Years Department of Architecture | Agency: G Design Studio (Greece) | Client: University of Patras (Patras, Greece)
题目:帕特雷大学建筑系十周年 | 设计机构:G Design Studio(希腊)| 客户:帕特雷大学(帕特雷,希腊)
Bronze Award

Title: HUNTERRACE | Designer: Peter Vasvari (Hungary) | Client: Brandstack, LLC. (USA)
题目:HUNTERRACE餐厅 | 设计者:Peter Vasvari(匈牙利)| 客户:Brandstack, LLC.(美国)

80楼2011-05-08 15:05
    Tommy Li Jury Award
    李永铨 评审奖

    Title: Guilin Gruel | Designer: Lin Shaobin (China) | Client: Guilin Gruel (Guilin, China)
    题目:桂林米粥 | 设计者:林韶斌(中国)| 客户:桂林米粥(桂林,中国)
    “It is never an easy task to add the beauty of Guilin scenery to the icon, emerging not only the specific characteristic, but also elegant prospect.”
    —— Tommy Li (Tommy Li Design Workshop, Hong Kong)
    —— 李永铨(李永铨设计有限公司,中国香港)
    Cristian Kit Paul Jury Award
    克里斯坦•凯特•保罗 评审奖

    Title: Tianwei Textiles | Designer: Zhao Gang (China) | Client: Tianwei Textiles (China)
    题目:天威纺织 | 设计者:赵刚(中国)| 客户:天威纺织(中国)
    "It was difficult to pick one as my "Best of show" choice, but I finally decided for Tianwei Textiles, probably because my own background is based on rebranding of large entities and I know how challenging a high-stake program can be. The TT symbol is a powerful and witty monogram, accompanied by a simple and functional wordmark in a clear yet vibrant composition, establishing for Tianwei Textiles an energetic and reliable identity."
    ——Cristian Kit Paul (Co-founding and Creative Director of Brandient, Romanian)
    Bill Darling Jury Award
    比尔•达林 评审奖

    83楼2011-05-08 15:12

      题目:最小(0到10岁儿童服装品牌) | 设计者:Maria Adam Fernandes(德国)| 客户:最小(维也纳,奥地利)
      Title: Minimal | Designer: Maria Adam Fernandes (Germany) | Client: Minimal (Vienna, Austria)
      "It's a very functional solution for what it is...kids clothing. For example, the 'continuous' line approach of the logo would translate well to stitching / embroidery. 'minimal' is a powerful word when talking about design and impossible to ignore, especially when it is the name of your company! I like how the solution is expressive and yet true to the word 'minimal' - a hard balance to achieve. The style in which the logo is drawn could easily be extended to illustrations of the garments, secondary typography, animation, etc. Overall, the logo is a nice solution that achieves the right balance of function + emotion." ——Bill Darling (Creative Director of Saffron, UK)

      84楼2011-05-08 15:16


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                        翻页 、翻页 。

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