没救了: 【流行语】nothing we can help the thing.:24.27%
叛逆: to rebel:20.84%
两袖清风: said of an honest official on retirement) to possess nothing:19.11%
单纯: simplicy:17.22%
罗唆: 【流行语】bafflegab:13.37%
三八: 【流行语】nosy:4.03%
看破红尘: see through the vanity of the world:0.73%
悲观: pessimistic :0.43%
没救了: 【流行语】nothing we can help the thing.:24.27%
叛逆: to rebel:20.84%
两袖清风: said of an honest official on retirement) to possess nothing:19.11%
单纯: simplicy:17.22%
罗唆: 【流行语】bafflegab:13.37%
三八: 【流行语】nosy:4.03%
看破红尘: see through the vanity of the world:0.73%
悲观: pessimistic :0.43%