Helepolis (Greek: ἑλέπολις,
English: "Taker of Cities") was an ancient siege engine invented by
Polyidus of Thessaly and improved by Demetrius I of Macedon and Epimachus of
Athens for the unsuccessful siege of Rhodes, based on an earlier, less massive
design used against Salamis (305–304 BC). Descriptions of it were written by
Dioeclides of Abdera, Vitruvius, Plutarch, and in the Athenaeus Mechanicus. If
their numbers are accurate, it was the biggest and most powerful siege tower
ever erected.
Helepolis (希腊语:ἑλέπολις,英语: "Taker of Cities"(破城者) )是由希腊的Polyidus of Thessaly(工程师人名)最初发明的,后来经过马其顿王国的德米特里一世和Epimachus of Athens(工程师人名)改造,并在马其顿王国对罗德岛失败的围城战中被使用,破城者其实是在马其顿争夺萨拉米的过程中(公元前305年到公元前304 年)所使用的大型攻城器 的基础上改造的。Dioeclides of Abdera,维特鲁威,普鲁塔克均有对破城者进行过细致的描叙,并且在Athenaeus Mechanicus也能发现关于破城者的描叙。
Helepolis (希腊语:ἑλέπολις,英语: "Taker of Cities"(破城者) )是由希腊的Polyidus of Thessaly(工程师人名)最初发明的,后来经过马其顿王国的德米特里一世和Epimachus of Athens(工程师人名)改造,并在马其顿王国对罗德岛失败的围城战中被使用,破城者其实是在马其顿争夺萨拉米的过程中(公元前305年到公元前304 年)所使用的大型攻城器 的基础上改造的。Dioeclides of Abdera,维特鲁威,普鲁塔克均有对破城者进行过细致的描叙,并且在Athenaeus Mechanicus也能发现关于破城者的描叙。