21161623English New York City Police Department Radio Codes Common Codes: 10-1Call command 10-2 Return to command 10-3 Call dispatcher 10-4 Acknowledgement 10-5 Repeat 10-6 Stand by 10-7 Verify address 10-10 Investigate 10-11Holdup alarm 10-12 Holding suspect 10-13 Officer in danger 10-14 Check license (occupied vehicle) 10-15 Check license (unoccupied vehicle) 10-16 Vehicle/plate stolen 10-17 Vehicle/plate not stolen Past/In progress:Crime: 10-20/ 10-30 Robbery 10-21/ 10-31 Burglary 10-22/ 10-32 Larceny 10-23/ 10-33 Bomb threat 10-24/ 10-34 Assault 10-29/ 10-39 Other crime Non Crime Incidents: 10-50181110813为了服务广大警员,帮助各位警员早日收到心仪的物品,特开此交易帖信息 注意事项,交易前请仔细阅读 1.双方交易,本着诚信、诚心的原则,无论是买家或者是卖家,请不要做出有损于警员之间友谊和信任的事情 2.各位警员皆为诚信之人,但是为了安全起见,买家和卖家须为本吧5级或5级以上会员,谢谢理解! 3.本帖只悬挂交易物品的信息,强烈建议交易的具体事宜私下进行解决。由于在此帖直接交易而造成的个人资料外泄本吧不能负责 4.请卖家明1355014310此篇文章转载至POHUXIN的博客 The New York City Police Department School Safety Division is the school police force for New York City Department of Education schools. The agency is a division of the New York City Police Department, and is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in New York City and the United States with approximately 5,000 School Safety Agents and 200 Police Officers. 纽约市警察局学校保卫处(SSD,也有一些国家称“CIPD文保处”),即“校园警察”,隶属纽约市警察局,由大约5000名学校校警和200名正式警官组成28311891L悬疑32014772412270