5Its celebration time on the sets of Balaji Telefilms' popular show Ye Hai Mohabbatein yesterday as the show has completed a successful run of 300 episodes. The show managed to grab viewers' interest with its storyline and high point dramatic sequences. Initially the show used to air at the time slot of 11 PM and still it gained immense popularity among audiences but later the show was shifted from its original time slot to evening time slot of 7:30 PM and is yet ruling the TRP charts. The on-screen chemistry of Raman (Karan Patel) and Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) is quite liked by the vi
1Balaji Telefilms' popular show Ye Hai Mohabbatein has reached its peak point where Mihika and Ashok have been caught in a suite by the family members. As Mihika's attempt to reveal Ashok's real image has been foiled, more interesting twists have been planned by the makers to keep the audience hooked to the show. As seen in the ongoing episodes, Raman (Karan Patel), Ishita (Divyanka Tripathy), Mihir and Shagun's (Anita Hassanandani) are extremely shocked to learn that Mihika in an inebriated state spends the night with the brat Ashok. Trying to prove her innocent and making an a
0291028这组图片大概也是老照片了,感觉像艺术照,本人特别喜欢。 不了解拍摄的具体时间和背景,昨天在facebook上看到D官网的say shavashava相册里有其中一张。请教各位吧友,多谢了!10求吧主~~就是片尾曲的呢半张脸的那个 还有帮沙露试衣服的一个红的也很好看呢~有米有啊0192184经hsme指点,找到了一些男女主角早期的歌舞表演视频,有些是网友自己翻拍的,质量有限.但这些早期视频资源很稀缺,有总比比没有要好,所以,各位将就看吧.之前有吧友上传过的视频以后也集中在此,以便查找观看.【新娘】【视频】男女主角Sharad & Dvyanka的歌舞视频合集_印度电视剧新娘吧_百度贴吧转自:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2128415987#0-tieba-1-48738-7eff13ea8df1365为便于查找,观看,开此贴集中关于Divyanka的新闻采访和演出活动视频. 各位来过把瘾吧~ (本贴转自百度印度电视剧新娘吧)【新娘】【视频】宣传片,主角的各种采访和演出活动视频集锦_印度电视剧新娘吧_百度贴吧转自:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2114707553#0-tieba-1-31077-7eff13ea8df144在此向大家问好了!一楼给DD和各位喜爱她的朋友!!435专题报导 我们访问了我们的一些电视明星,他们名字的意义以及谁给他们起了这个名字。 Divyanka Tripathi 含义:神赐的+数字…所以根本上代表一个获得神赐的数字的人。这个名字是由我妈妈、爸爸及祖父母共同决定的。 原因:我姐姐的名字是Priyanka,他们想给我起一个和她的名字押韵的名字,所以就起了Divyanka。00【新娘】【视频】Divyanka in Saas Bahu Aur Betiyan_印度电视剧新娘吧_百度贴吧转自:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2000913954#0-tieba-1-48522-7eff13ea8df188332012年10月,Zee TV20周年庆典活动中D参加的表演: 在Zee TV的罗摩衍那 节目中扮演舞蹈天使906274那小眼神 真是 谁受得了0请问,FACEBK的网址是什么?? 谁能告诉我啊? 谢谢啊~1咋办 我申请的大吧也每批