5英语作文 1、Writing(30 point) Directions: For this pant, you are allowed 15 minutes to write a composition on topic It pays to be honest
1关于be faced with 与 facing... 的选择题 _______ such a difficult problem, I didn’t know what to do. A. Faced B. Facing C. Faced to D. Facing with 答案是B ______with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. 这里就填 Faced 请问第一题的facing such a difficult problem,作什么成分? 第二题的faced with so much trouble作什么成分? 两个都是伴随状况状语 词组 be faced with 为固定搭配,有with就用faced
0be similiar To 与。。。。。相似 ------- striking similarities 惊人的相似性 tremble颤抖 哆嗦 he went pale 脸色变苍白 stretched out tongue 伸出舌头 = stick out tongue insulting gesture 侮辱性的姿势 people differ in ability to understand feelings 理解情感的能力不同。 literature 文学,《《《文献资料 = writen materials >> behavior patterns 行为模式(方式 ) describe 描述 phase 短语 recognize辨认出 recognition辨认---recognizable
0二赖子= ======== 张三靠 《驯养动物-----人类的朋友》 寄望;指望;依靠 ------look to If you look to someone or something for a particular thing that you want, you expect or hope that they will provide it. The difficulties women encounter with their doctors partly explain why so many of us are <<looking to >>alternative therapies. 我们很多人都<<寄望于>>[url]http://替代疗法[/url],个中原因从女性看医生所<<遇到>>的困难可知一二 2地区:area region 2 喂养: overfeeding underfeeding But they hastened it
0The pay rise is still under negotiation 加薪问题仍在谈判中 the needy 穷人 students in need 贫困生 familiesin need 贫困家庭 emotional needs 情感需要 (emotion----happiness ,fear ,sadness ,alert ) physical needs 物质需要 physics, ---- applied physics 应用物理 ----chemistry --- chemical 化学的 化学物质 chemical action 化学反应 ----financial analysis 金融分析 ----analyze (动词) he neglected to mention that he had spent time in prison , 他没有提及坐过牢 The accident was a result of negligence.人为疏忽的结果 (----- neglect
2<越狱台词>(与考试有关): look abandoned 看起来像废弃的(abandoned----过去分词变成的形容词,作表语 ) Stay away from Lincoln离林肯远点(词组: stay。。。。。away from。。。。) Stay away from the【 human trash 】. 人渣(鄙视despise,look down upon ) I love more trhan anything in the world . 我爱你胜过一切(more Than好比鸳鸯鸟,永远不分离) 快点come on 所以组织不确定他们知道了什么So the company wasn't sure [what they knew ]. (what---连接代词, what they knew ------宾语从句 ) S
2中学生必须脱口而出的句子: Education is so valuable 教育意义重大 You are a valuable employee of our company . 你是我们公司宝贵的一员。 If you lack courage , you will never succeed . 如果你缺乏勇气, 你将永远无法成功。 It is important to become lifelong learners.做一个终生学习的人很重要。
0李阳疯狂英语 (复印): 目标是你潜意识里的有力工具, 它能一路去是你达成目标。 A goal is a powerful tool in your subconscious mind which drives you all the time to achieve what you want ! 从满能练的语言: 语言是有能量的! Language contains energy ! 语言是能改变你的生活的! Language can change your life ! 语言是能改变世界的! Language can change the world !
0十大否定逞英雄 ----- 否定词词缀 反r- i 分子马屁精 ------- anti-Japanese 胡说八道扇阴风 ------ nonsense 胡说八道! 不便揭发猪悟能 ---------inconvenient 不方便的 disable 无能的 反r- i 分子马屁精 ------- anti-Japanese 胡说八道扇阴风 ------ nonsense 胡说八道! 不便揭发猪悟能 ---------inconvenient 不方便的 传播非典-f a -n 革命 -------- atypical非典型的 counterrevolutionist 反革命分子 误读误写属口误, ---------misread 误读 miswrite 误写 谁也别说不可能。 -------impossible 不可能的 监考
6朱自清《荷塘月色》的英文翻译 半殖民地半封建社会,许多花卉资源被摧残、栽培技艺停滞不前,“多情明月邀君共,无主荷花到处开”的写照,适情适景。 It was a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that many flower resources were destroyed. The planting technique came to a standstill. "Emotional bright moon invites you enjoy together, lotus blooms everywhere without owner", this poem is a perfect reflection of the conditions of the time. 朱自清的《荷塘月色》便是在时局动荡不安之际创作的
0a verbal reminder口头提示 the intended effect 预期的效果(预后) facial expressions 面部表情 non-verbal communications 非语言交流------gesture手势 BE particular about one's appearence . 对个人仪表很认真(讲究)
2《《道歉。良心安稳。修复关系》》 94 ---第十组 section B enclose ------ 把…封入信封;随函附上 If you enclose something with a letter, you put it in the same envelope as the letter. I have 《《《enclosed a cheque》》》》 for £10... 我已随信附上10英镑的支票。 He tore open the creamy envelope that had been enclosed in the letter... 他撕开了随信寄来的奶油色信封。 The enclosed leaflet shows how Service Care can ease all your worries. 随信寄上的宣传页将说明“服保”如何能为您解除所有烦忧。 said unkind thin
1《《17拳头名医哥》》(旋律:三大纪律八项注意): 丰富多彩有呀有意义, meanful and colorful 心理成长很呀很好记。 mental growth 你说社会和谐很好写, make our society harmonious 我说弘扬文化责任大。promote our traditional culture
0阅读87 第八组 passage 3 《登山运动》 作者否定众人: We might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a "team game ". We should be mistaken in this --------作者认为登山是team game . depend on 2赖子 的活学活用: When climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope ON which their lives may DEPEND , there is obviously teamwork . leisure 业余时间 familiar ----- be familiar to 熟悉的 experience equal enjoyment 经验等于快乐 Alps (欧洲白雪皑皑的)阿尔卑斯山 astonishment 惊讶 suffer hardship 受苦 take risks 冒险 r
0deal with ----- 处理;应付;与…打交道 When you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them. ...the way that building societies deal with complaints... 建屋互助会处理投诉的方式 In dealing with suicidal youngsters, our aims should be clear... 在对待有自杀倾向的青少年时,我们的目标应当很明确。 The President said the agreement would allow other vital problems to be dealt with. 总统说这项协议将能使其他关键问题得到解决。 克制(不
1fit into life 融入生活 fit into (使)适合, (使)合乎…的时间[空间],与…融为一体; 纳入 I fear I will not fit into any future. 我怕我会与未来的任何社会都格格不入. The car was too big to fit into our garage. 这部车太大了,我们的车库放不下。 作文: Doing XX can help us fit into future society . (career ,social life , working unit 工作单位) 作文素材: Doing XX can help us fit into future society
0nature------本性,天性 初中学的词义是“自然” in nature 在本性中的东西或习惯,生下来的就会的行为方式------造出新单词innate(先天的,天生的)。 根据in ture (在骨子里的,在本性中的),造出innate"先天的,天生的,与生俱来的" 与生俱来的 = 俗语 “胎里带” e 是词尾,不发音,好多单词都有这么个不发音的e (哑巴e),例如: plane ,nice,cake nose . ate , face , name 例如:婴儿生下来就找奶头吃。猪娃,狗娃, 小老鼠也都一样。 行为也是天生的。 如
0电视剧《康熙大帝》主题曲(1993年版) 《金屏风》 演唱:刘欢 天下的天 城中的城 红墙黄瓦梦隐的情 情缠着梦 梦缠着情 刀光剑影金屏风 一千把锁 扣不严心上的栓 一万口气 吹不灭眼里的灯 亭廊水榭藏险要 噢楼台殿阁嵌朦胧 一柱一石含疑惑 噢皇城紫禁是迷宫 龙生的龙 凤选的凤 皇亲国戚裙带子绳 绳系着命 命系着绳 唇枪舌剑妙语中 一千条令 刹不住拼死的争 一万道旨 方拨正天地的钟 王朝大印天子掌 噢倾国大厦百姓撑 载舟覆舟水有义 噢盛世皇爷
17专接本高频考点: 依然终于团队带头人remain loyal To the team leader . 校长principal resist the temptation 抵制诱惑To peek at偷看 a neighbor's test paper . account for 解释,教导-----------考虑到 impress--------impression印象 depress-----depression ------depressed郁闷的,压抑的 flaw瑕疵 defect 缺点 overcome 克服 shortcomings缺点 disadvantages side-effects
17appeal TO ,turn to , call on, call for ,get across ,account for
1当英语幸福来敲你的门,你却说敲错了门 生活中我们总对一些人,一些事产生羡慕之情,羡慕别人的好身材,白皮肤,健康的身体,和睦的家庭,其实你在羡慕的时候,只是没有看见人家背后的努力! 人家为了有紧致,白皙,富有弹力的皮肤每天晚上敷面膜,早早的睡个美容觉,你却半夜十二点在酒吧里疯癫,人家每天早上在寒风中跑步流汗,你却还躲在被窝里睡懒觉,人家抽出时间跟孩子培养感情,你却跑出去跟朋友喝酒吹牛,所以任何事都是要
1鲁哀公十六年二月十一日(公元前479年4月11日),孔子患病不愈而卒,终年七十三岁,葬于鲁城北泗水岸边。[7] 不少弟子为之守墓三年,唯独子贡为孔子守墓stand guard六年。弟子及鲁国人从墓而家者上百家,得名孔里。孔子的故居改为庙堂,孔子受到人们的奉祀。[26-27] 这张感人的照片在社交网站上迅速传播,照片显示,在“桑迪飓风”期间,士兵依然在阿灵顿国家公墓纪念碑前守墓。 The moving photo purporting to show soldiers standing guard at the arlingtonnational ce
0uvw---女人,动摇。摇摆,不坚定,不稳定,没思想---空,水,温暖 《温柔如水的女人》《女人天生爱做梦》《你像雾像雨又像风》《我向你飞,温柔的坠》
0carouse n. 狂饮寻乐 (a noisy ,merry drinking party. )-----商纣王:肉池酒林 联想记忆: car + (r)ouse -----开着汽车欢闹----- 狂饮寻乐
0pine松树 渴望(yearn intensely ) pin针,大头针 联想记忆: 松树(pine )的叶子尖尖细细的,就像针(pin )。
0pit ,pit.是坑坑, pitfall 是陷阱。 =trap pitfall 陷阱,隐患 (a hidden danger ) elbowpit是肘窝, 肘窝里面污垢多 ----- 皴cun tip 末端和小费
0巴爷退缩像条狗, 人们把他叫巴狗 boggle-----退缩,(hesitate)犹豫bewilderment
0有个爷们叫老赵, 得了乳瘤真搞笑 胸部丰满也妖娆。 plump 丰满的,胖的 老赵省钱骑骆驼, hump 驼峰,隆起 扶着驼峰挺牢靠。 驼头前安保险杠。 bumpe
4T是说话T是转, turn teach teacher tip情报 call the tip off hotline 打举报热线 滑车滑轮都得转 tackle滑车(滑轮) ,处理,解决 处理问题要转圆
0学者说谎骗帮主,丐帮夜盗夜明珠。 学者scholar 【在学校了的人,通常是“学者”】 说谎的人liar 丐-----beggar 夜盗,夜贼burglar 以上四单词,合成“
0She is regarded as the best tragedian on the English stage. 她被认为是英国戏剧舞台上最出色的悲剧演员. 2. In the ancient society , she was de
0《一看山羊皮,便知是悲剧》tragedy tragedy 悲剧,惨事 灾。 难源自希腊语tragodia tragos山羊+ ode 歌 , 悲剧的字面意思是"山羊之歌",
1pos , pos 放放放 暴露隐私外边放 expose 暴露 积极就是放心上 positive积极的 拥有就是手里放 possess pos +sess (=self ) 放在自己手里-------拥有
0trivial 琐碎的 , 无关紧要的 trivial琐事 triviality 琐事 trifle少量,琐事 词源:拉丁语 tri ----三 via-----路 “三条路的汇合点” 或 “十字路口” 古罗马妇女从市场回家的路上,喜欢停在十字路口同人闲聊,内容自然是些无关紧要的或琐碎的事情。trivial因此得名。 山东快板书: 当地格挡,一群老娘们儿去赶集,三岔路口来云集,喳喳喳,唧唧唧。 有鸡毛来有蒜皮。这样讲你还记不住。 老娘们儿比你还强哩! 老娘们儿比你还强哩!当地格挡----- trivial琐
0solemn(庄严的,隆重的,严肃的)词源故事: solEmn与solomon所罗门王的名字(记忆特点:所三蛋) : 2单词发音相似 所罗门是国王--------国王是“庄严
1燃料目的烧大火 fuel 燃料 fu=fur =fire 炉子燃烧一团火 furnace furn=burn b=f 狂怒胸中一团火 fury暴怒 furious 暴怒的 葬礼烧人一团火 funeral 葬
0准备上《桃花宝典》。。 With the development of society , we have to face many problems . among which ,叉叉 has caused public concern . 毫不