关注: 14 贴子: 911

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  • 32
    jearly7 2012-11
    38656250 11-6
  • 9
    呜呼维扬,不幸夭亡!惊闻噩耗,痛断肝肠! 闻君仙逝,江河凝滞,闻君仙逝,星月无光。 君如有灵,听我哭诉,君如有灵,享我蒸尝。
  • 7
      一楼给隔壁的龙宝@维扬卧龙1   叫你的女神出来吧,别躲了,还自杀?又是一哭二闹三上吊的把戏!她要是那啥了,你真的会殉情吗?你会舍得你的大吧主之位么……   也不用把以前的截图搞得跟秘密武器似的,还拿来当做各届吧务组的培训教材?这个东西就摆在这里,你不找人删,我当然也不会删。   不用说我影射,写这个东西的目的也是为了恶心你!千里扛猪槽子 --- 喂的就是您老人家。砖爷这句最经典了……   以上!   谢谢!
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    How to Write By COLSON WHITEHEAD The art of writing can be reduced to a few simple rules. I share them with you now. Rule No. 1: Show and Tell. Most people say, “Show, don’t tell,” but I stand by Show and Tell, because when writers put their work out into the world, they’re like kids bringing their broken unicorns and chewed-up teddy bears into class in the sad hope that someone else will love them as much as they do. “And what do you have for us today, Marcy?” “A penetrating psychological study of a young med student who receives disturbing news from a former lover.” “How ma

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