0Please visit my person weibo, www dot weibo dot com slash wenchangtw to read more! Baidu Tiebe is a plafform of Baidu...for many many unhappy expreniences around with them, my job here is done! My words are mine, but this platfrom is not! And I have been already tired of such biz, so I made this final decision! I won't update anything here, but I would try to best to maintain everything presented all the time! Wish some a day, I would reach some a place that I love, and I could contribute my best on other platforms...Bye!
18I've no ideas why Baidu made almost my entire posts invisible or removed, I don't want to know, but just want to recover or repost them, because I love what I love, soul and heart!
44It seems that I should start up another post with most favourite songs, lyrics indeed! But it seems in vain, so is that worthy doing something like before on such platform, or just leave it blank?
1本吧從創立至今從未得到任何來自中國大陸地區(包括 香港新移民)讀者的尊重,因此聲明,我於本吧所有的努力不予面向 中國大陸讀者!
0Happy Spring Festival!
2I wish I could put more and more latest pop songs here...
0Happy New Year 2022 to all the kind and honest hearts!
3Year 2021 is about leaving, but it does really leave something to you and to me! Before saying Happy New Year, just allow me to leave some fantastic songs below...
3Merry Christmas, 2021!
2Merry Christmas to all the kind hearts from all over the world!
12Most songs here picked up from Radio 1...
3Around 20 days I made telephone calls to Baidu twice or three times a day, they did nothing to the unfair treatments to me on Baidu Tieba at all, no matter what I said or request! Hopeless, that's it! I thank you all who read what I wrote on that platform with kind hearts! They made almost my entire valuable posts vanished without even telling me any reason, for long time pending to recover any such post, I think, they just want to refuse! As a man, as a 37 years old man, I could never accept such a thing like this! Each time I made such telephone call, I emphasised that please respect the
0祝願 中國國慶節 快樂
0本貼寫給閱讀我文字的 台灣公眾媒體 西元2018年,我是 百度貼吧 唯獨為其演唱會不間斷發貼之人!我不知道西元2018年時 香港商福斯衛視中文台 『歌神請上車』製作人員是否有看到我的有關文字,但是本吧一大半以上之貼都曾與 台灣藝人 徐懷鈺 歌曲作品有關!當幾乎我所貼被無故清空時我第一時間透過此藝人之微博私訊溝通,結果被忽視!我有聽她兩場TICC演唱會,她連半個屁也沒有放過!她的粉絲團於百度貼吧多次有意對我進行攻擊,我不能排除
3本貼遭受百度貼吧攻擊,僅能找到當時部分章節,不做任何修改,僅僅留戀當我剛剛接觸百度貼吧這個平台時的懵懂!並希望我的文字可以慰藉特定人群 和對 純真年代 的致敬! 聲明:本文保留所有權利,未經授權以任何形式摘抄或簡單修改後發佈或做為電視文藝作品劇本均為違法行為!
13I've no ideas why Baidu made almost my entire posts invisible or removed, I don't want to know, but just want to recover or repost them, because I love what I love, soul and heart!
0(Not for Chinese, Taiwanese, or Hong Kong readers!) First of all, please don't get me wrong! Wrting anything on this platform is only my hobby, nothing else! I love something soul and heart, so I write them onto this platform! I know nothing about Baidu at all, but only one thing I know, they made almost my entire posts gone without letting me know, after dozens of telephone calls, they won't recover any of my posts at least at this moment! I tried to communicate with them through telephone call and online contacts, but they actually said nothing at all to me! And they were impolite! F
1我相信在百度貼吧上有人對我進行攻擊,百度westlife_uk貼吧中我長時間努力無回报付出的貼今天發現都沒有原因的消失!我無法理解,無法接受這種嚴重侵權行為!並且發現 在線問題反饋功能 也被無理受限!衹能在先前問題反饋中附加!
1It seems that something wrong with my westlife_uk Tieba, all my posts gone without even letting me know! I just realise it! AND MY USER ACCOUNT HAS BEEN BANNED YESTERDAY! I don't know why!!! Just now I made a telephone call to Baidu...DISAPPOINTED!
226th August, 2021
5由於原貼無故消失,我有意將 其中關於 奈麗美代子 部分章節不做修改 臨時羅列於下,以慰藉特定人群 和對 純真年代 的致敬!