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    经核实吧主_baby大人_ 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定 ,无法在建设 melodyding吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    DNAMAN 是一种常用的核酸序列分析软件。由于它功能强大,使用方便,已成为一种普遍使用的DNA 序列分析工具。本文以DNAMAN 5.2.9 Demo version 为例,简单介绍其使用方法。 打开DNAMAN,可以看到如下界面: 第一栏为主菜单栏。除了帮助菜单外,有十个常用主菜单,第二栏为工具栏: 第三栏为浏览器栏: 在浏览器栏下方的工作区左侧,可见Channel 工具条,DNAMAN 提供20 个Channel,(如左所示:)点击Channel 工具条上相应的数字,即可击活相应的Channel。每个Channe
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    弥生湾 1-18
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    一楼百度 清晰绚丽之神起图
    弥生湾 12-22
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    this is my melody world.
    弥生湾 11-2
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    一楼JYJ3 (Your site is really great! I just LOVE your posts~ ^^) This article is written by a spanish blogger Robert from “Paella de Kimchi”. Translated into English by:JYJ3 I don't want to translate it into Chinese again... First it's too long this time...and second, I saw some fans sharing my post without giving me the credits...That's a little bit upsetting. I'm happy to see so many people LIKE my Chinese translation,though. ...whatever, forget it, here's the article shared by JYJ3:
    弥生湾 11-1
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    很多人羡慕明星的魅力,认为明星的魅力在于他们长相好看,且拥有魔鬼身材。但美国科学家做了最新的试验:把各种类型的女性头部遮住,让她们走动并做出各种姿势,最后才露出头部让观众给她们评分。试验结果表明,如果某个女性相貌和身材都不错,但举手投足不优美,魅力指数会大打折扣。反而身材相貌一般,但姿态很优美的女性则赢得较高的分数。这个试验表明:女性举手投足的风度较完美身材更重要!      所以,古语说的“站有
    FuuLee 4-27
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    boats&birds If you be my star I'll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when I turn jet black and you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine but you can skyrocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by if you be my boat I'll be your sea a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free I live to make you free but you can set sail to t
    弥生湾 8-19
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    Monkey Majik is a rock band of Japan. The band consists of guitarists/vocalists Maynard and Blaise Plant, brothers who sing in Japanese and English; drummer Takuya "tax" Kikuchi; and bassist DICK. The Plant brothers originally hail from Canada. Though most of famous Japanese singers and bands live in Tokyo, they still live in Sendai which is about 350km away from Tokyo. Their first release was an EP called TIRED, a self-financed release limited to 1,000 copies which was available at Tower Records in Sendai. Their first single was "fly" in 2006. It was a commercial success and was followed b
    弥生湾 8-19
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    弥生湾 2009-03
    Eminem:《The Real Slim Shady》
    弥生湾 3-10
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    Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves would guide you thru another day とおくで息をしてる 透明になったみたい くらやみに思えたけど めかくしされてただけ 祈りおささげて 新しい日を待つ あざやかに光る海 その果てまで Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don't
    弥生湾 9-6
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    弥生湾 8-3
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    弥生湾 8-3
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    双核系统:安装ballance之后画面抖动厉害 抖动问题可能是由于这个游戏和双核CPU不兼容引起的!所以在进入游戏以后,使游戏运行在单核处理器环境下以解决问题! 进入游戏以后,用ALT+TAB的方法跳转到桌面,然后启动任务管理器,找到PLAYER.EXE这个进程,右击它然后先择“关系设置”,取消“CPU1”的前面的勾选,这时再跳转到游戏里应该就能解决了。 我的CPU是INTEL的双核,一直抖动,关掉一个就好了。
    弥生湾 8-2
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    1,郑州女队unison: 跳的很好。
    弥生湾 7-16
  • 0 song recommendation: sexy love (my favourite)
    弥生湾 7-15
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    弥生湾 2008-06
    终于明白你已变成回忆 没有言语能够说明当别人问起 谱了一段旋律没有句点 也无法再继续 像埋伏在街头的某种气息 无意间经过把往日笑与泪勾起 忽然心痛的无法再压抑 原来从未忘记
    弥生湾 6-19

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