10Link: https://thegymter.net/2018/11/27/2018-world-championships-photo-
6Finally got some updates.
12Thank you for rooting for McKayla Maroney!
8“Made in America” 整个特辑会在这个贴里持续更新:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4615694912
5Fierce five member Mckayla Maroney has confirmed that she is stepping away from competition thus won't be trying for Rio. The announceme
34Sorry for not posting the brief interview in time. I was hoping to watch the entire interview by GymCastic and then share with you all. Thanks for following McKayla Maroney all the time. Now it's time to move on.
16OlympicTalk: We haven’t heard from McKayla Maroney since August, and she recently said in a video that she’s not training due to injury. What do you know about her status? Karolyi: I honestly don’t know too much. I last met her last year during the Championships (Maroney was at the Secret U.S. Classic the first weekend of August). She said her intention was to train and come back. That’s really the last time I heard from her. I am not 100 percent sure. Certainly if everything goes fine for her and she wants to train, I would be very happy to have her back. This decision that they take
6Considering it's already March, the update on McKayla is just a piece of old news. So there is no need to worry about McKayla right now. McKayla Maroney had been suffering from adrenal fatigue, but is now feeling great!
73应该会分成两篇,写两个人,希望能达成@冰晶雪魄_ 的期待。 目前想好了主角和标题,写得比较慢,但会坚持写完。
28Senior session will begin in an hour. Hope everyone goes well.
26Due to injuries, McKayla won*t be competing this season. See you next year.
9Hope everyone keeps healthy!!!
8McKayla is going to start making videos on Youtube~
14McKayla Maroney - 50 Most Photogenic Issue Interview with Suri Serano for Inside Gymnastics.
12Really important things during the Worlds!!!
76McKayla is ready for camp in 2014.
43Let's see...
8by smartyathene
18Floor and vault only
5My first gif~~
75这次赞助商换成了P&G(不陌生吧,飘柔、潘婷、玉兰油这类都是P&G旗下的。以前Shawn、McKayla和Aly还为这个品牌拍过宣传照)。 地点在东部的Hartford, Connecticut(康涅狄格州,发生小学枪击案的那个州),具体时间安排在二楼。
80Five days until Classic!
43McKayla is getting up at 4 a.m. for camp!
9经吧友响应,建了#Floor Music#这个楼,先上传了一些私下认为还不错的曲子,大多集中在08周期~12周期。 另外,此楼专为 Floor Music 而设,可以把许多乐曲的需求发到这里,相信不止是我本人,还有更多热心的吧友都会分享自己的收藏。因而,不建议在别的帖子里发布关于这类的需求,谢谢配合。 友情提醒:这个列表不代表所有动听旋律的集合,如有吧友推荐别的曲子,我会尽量及时更新,请耐心等候。
14McKayla at the 2013 Metroplex Challenge shares what she's been up to since finishing the Tour, and discusses her future plans for gymnastics, including the 2013 World Championships and 2016 Olympic Games. --视频和文字均转自gymnastike
28虽然有些人已经知道了,还是贴一下这个消息吧! McKayla's back.
99USA Gymnastics制作了一个关于美国体操的纪录片,目前看到的有62集,分为两季,每集4-7分钟不等,男队、女队、各自俱乐部的教练员和国家队教练组都有介绍。喜欢美国体操的可以看看,做得挺不错的。第一季在2010年就公开了,涵盖了第1集到第25集;第二季从第26集开始,以本周期的男队、女队为主,MM会在较晚的几集里出现,所以请大家耐心等一等啦! 由于流量限制,没能上传所有的视频,只能每天下载一些,本人昨天就因为没注意流量,被封锁到
2这里是美国体操运动员McKayla Rose Maroney的百度贴吧,中文搜索马龙尼吧,其它译名如马隆尼、马罗尼、马洛内等,均指Maroney,请勿将Kristen Maloney前辈和Maroney弄混。 吧内习惯把McKayla Rose Maroney称为MM(或M),以下将本吧简称为MM吧。欢迎大家来MM吧讨论体操、关注MM出席的活动、分享视频和其它信息等。 为此制定了MM吧吧规,希望大家约束自己,共同建设和管理MM吧,谢谢配合!
40465Beginning Vault Frustrations by John Geddert on February 28, 2012 John Level 7 vault I feel am finally understanding what