010301116苏珊大妈首轮巡演纪事2Fern Britton Meets Susan Boyle1http://theamazingsusanboyle.magnify.net/video/Susan-Boyle-sings-0As Susan is a truly international artist, there are going to be various release dates for the new album. Please find the release date for your country below. South Africa – 28th October US/Canada – 29th October Australia/NZ/Asia – 1st November Japan – 6th November UK – 25th November Rest of World - 25th November If any of these dates change in due course, we’ll ensure that we notify you through Susan’s official website, Facebook and Twitter . We hope you are as excited for the new album as we are!2新快报讯据英国《太阳报》报道,选秀歌手苏珊大妈因其天籁般的嗓音而著名,但她浓重的苏格兰口音给她拖了后腿,八月她不得不重新录制参演电影里的部分对白。 不可否认,苏珊大妈的歌声的确如同天籁一般,但她的口音听着就不怎么样了。这个留着蓬乱头发但唱过很多经典歌曲的选秀歌手参演的电影《圣诞蜡烛》将于11月份上映。 因为口音太重,最近她的部分对白必须重新做。 苏珊说:“我的苏格兰口音在电影很多地方都听起来11113Hello, Firstly I want to wish you all a belated Happy New Year. I hope you all had a great Christmas with your friends and family and 2013 has been good to you all so far. Sorry that it has been awhile since I updated you on all my news but it has been rather busy over the past few weeks, so here’s a little update from me now. Christmas and New year were great and I enjoyed my time with the family and also seeing friends. It is the reason I love Blackburn, I can go home and just relax as normal. Sometimes it feels like nothing has changed. I’d like to thank all of you for the cards and gi105215美国billboard Best selling albums of 2009: 1) �FearlessxFFFD; Taylor Swift 3,217,000 2) �I Dreamed A DreamxFFFD; Susan Boy11美国billboard Best selling albums of 2009: 1) �FearlessxFFFD; Taylor Swift 3,217,000 2) �I Dreamed A DreamxFFFD; Susan Boy1希望大家积极踊跃讨论 首先是这一篇《苏珊大妈的新专辑有了最不幸的推特标签》 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2044067699 大妈的团队在推特和facebook上发100301Somewhere Over The Rainbow It’s best known from the film Wizard of Oz. It’s a very nostalgic song. I felt it was quite a romantic song, wi03英国《独立报》网站11月21日报道 苏格兰歌手苏珊·博伊尔凭借在“英国达人”节目中的一曲《我曾有梦》一夜成名,她的故事将被搬上银幕。 据《0004Donny Osmond and Susan Boyle - This Is The Moment @ Dancing with the Stars51010苏珊大妈固然经典 真佩服现在的媒体,出了一个苏珊大妈的经典例子 再出什么都往上靠 一个叫经典 两个叫模仿 一群就是尼玛臭大街了! 尼玛换个说法能死