3打开注册表项目:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters],新建 DWORD(32位)值,命名为“SessTimeout”,数值设为300。 实测解决。
127以我的显卡GT130M、nVidia270.51驱动为例。系统环境:Windows7 Ultimate 联想OEM版
5环境: -新安装Win7,打上大部分系统补丁。 -新安装Steam,把之前备份的userdata文件夹复制进Steam的目录。 -Xbox1手柄的有线驱动是xb1usb.11059.0.140526x64.msi,无线驱动版本是6.3.9600.16384(CRC32校验值为0A0EF67E)。 症状: Xbox1手柄在与无线适配器配对成功,Windows的“设备和打印机”中能正确识别,“设备管理器”中已经消除了所有感叹号。 在Steam客户端里无法识别配对成功的无线手柄,使用USB数据线以有线模式连接计算机,Steam客户端可以正常识别手柄。
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7目前欧卡2/美卡使用的DX11是Win8及更新版本Win系统的 DX11,Win7虽然也支持DX11但SCS在制作DX11模式时并不兼容Win7的旧版DX11(没有最新版的Direct3D 11.1),而微软也不给Win7更新DX11了。
5如题 终于找到你了 印象中在扣扣里都失联了好几年
8217欧卡德国活动 大9欧卡德国活动 小 s2On Firefox 48 and above, this method doesn't work. Instead you should create two config files inside Firefox directory. 1. Create config.js file in notepad (make sure file extension is .js and not .txt): " // try { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", {}) .eval("SIGNED_TYPES.clear()"); } " 2. Move config.js to your Firefox installation directory: Windows: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox ) Linux: /usr/lib64/firefox-< version > (or /usr/lib/firefox-< version > ) Mac: /App338Google advanced search: A comprehensive list of Google search operators All you need to know about advanced search query operators but didn't know you needed to know Common Google Search Operators by Roger Warner “Search Term” This operator searches for the exact phrase within speech marks only. This is ideal when the phrase you are using to search is ambiguous and could be easily confused with something else, or when you’re not quite getting relevant enough results back. For example: “Tinned Sandwiches” This will search for only the finer tinned variety of the bread based snack,0提醒:买份维加斯 2 、原罪送人12racing components 212racing components 14/** * Program: * Description: Remove gaps between events. This removes gaps in SELECTED events only. The remove gap function only works on selected events. All events before and after the selected event are NOT processed. The GAP constant is used as the defined spacer between events as they are processed. If you want the space between events to be 0, then set GAP to 0. GAP unit is milliseconds. Default is 1000 (1sec). This script was created because the only other RemoveGaps script found on the interet had a bug where it truncated the end of each event on complex tracks. This script works on c9(PL)9(B)3It can be played as normal no need to start new game this mod contain cleo scripts (warning don't put more than 50 scripts) check the number of scripts before playing or else it will crash this mod also contain 7 car mod read more after you download it it contain IMGtool if you already have it then ignore it It contain 2 readme one is readme.docx for higher version another is readme.doc It is still not fully stable and complete suggestion on the next version is appreciated --------------------------------------------------- 地址: gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1265991122017 美卡活动122017 scs 圣诞活动51楼SB度2在"etc"的末尾应该有一个点(如果你用的是现代省略标点符号法就不要加点,它有专门的符号)。是不是很简单?先别急着回答,如果它出现在句子中,那么你还要加上一个逗号。如果已经是句子最后了,那就以句子的标点来结尾,不要再加别的标点了,要是还有话要说,那就再点一个逗号。比如: "They ate cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc., and it's little wonder they ended up with stomach aches."0http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=172&t=1899292主流市售广视角显示器屏幕参数/pwm调光一览 https://www.chiphell.com/thread-606984-1-1.html0https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/d621e8da0abd192865913f1f.html