0接到用户举报,经核实吧主 秘密艾雅 违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》,无法在建设 sayloulou吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。 百度贴吧管理组
2I lay in darkness today I shut the blinds and fade away Your things collect dust I keep them for the memory Still not enough to rescue me Cause I still feel you Will you pull my body close? Like you used to I'll never let you go I believe in phantoms baby You've said you'd find your way back to me The silence inks me to you The noise is violent, so confused Phone keeps ringing and the neighbours knock But your ghost is all I need Cause I still feel you Will you pull my body close? Like you used to I'll never let you go I believe in phantoms baby You've said you'd find y
0They say that everyday is a new beginning 有人说,每一天都是新的开始 But I know I'm not alone when the darkness hits me 但我知道,被黑暗笼罩的我并不孤单 We dream all day in black and white 迷醉于字里行间的白日梦 And when the sun comes down and we learn to live again 日落之时便是我们苏醒之时 We waste away the darkest light 我们熄灭了昏暗的灯光 And when the sun comes down and we learn to love again 日落之时便是我们相爱之时 It feels better in the dark, it feels better in the dark 黑暗里感觉更自在 I feel closer t
2应该是歌曲制作人上传到Soundcloud上泄露的 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYireEg 密码:n837 enjoy~
4238411310Lucid Dreaming 里面的 找了一晚上终于下下来了 结果歌词文件不对202之前在鱼大微博上看到说今年要来巡演8首先说明一下:本人英语水平略渣。。有几处完全是凭感觉翻译的,还请大家多多指教 Beloved by Say Lou Lou To who do you compare me 你照谁的样子 Recreate to mold me? 塑造出另一个我? And frozen in that ambition, 被束缚在你的野心之中 You scramp? me up 你将我粉碎(scramp实在是查不到词义,只能勉强这样翻译了) Where is the soft in our league 我们之间的关系的薄弱点在哪儿 They strip me up to fail me 他们让我绝望,夺走了一切 I used to feel protection from your touch 你的安抚曾给我带来安144062164看看吧里的人数就知道了3131lucid dreaming41关注好少,不过同时也欢迎大家多来marinakaye吧坐坐,同是18线明星要努力啊!8QQ群号:16036684810据说Say Lou Lou的新专辑将在今年6月23号左右发行(也有说是十一月3号的)。 下面是一些新专可能包含的曲目 1、Nothing But A Heartbeat (很有可能是414