000000001111100000000000000喷油器是系维持发动机运转的重要部件,由喷油器体、喷油嘴、支座、弹簧等组成。由喷油器供油口泵进高压油,喷油器体内产生高压作用到喷油嘴锥面上,当油压超过调定值时喷油嘴阀芯开启,高压油从喷嘴小孔喷出,呈雾状到发动机缸筒里燃烧,使活塞往复运行。 1.在起动机带动发动机转动时,用长柄起子或听诊器听喷油器是否有“嗒嗒、嗒嗒”的工作声音,若因其它噪声的影响而不易判断时,可在听诊的同时,采用拔下再插上喷油器线束插头的000connectedcars and e-commerce. Automechanika Shanghai 2023 gathers world-renownedindustry leaders across the entire automotive ecosystem and serves as adedicated platform for professionals to connect at one of Asia’s mostinfluential automotive trade fairs. The fair covers the entire supply chain andoffers a strong collection of products, services, and technologies that meetthe current and future needs of the market. China-LutongDiesel Parts stands for a complete range with 6000 diesel fuel injection spareparts with guaranteed quality and comprehensive services. The product rangeincludes Autom00MIMSAutomobility Moscow 2023 is de grootste en meest succesvolle auto-onderdelenbeursin Rusland. De stand duurt 4 dagen en wordt gehouden van 21 tot 24 augustus inhet Exhibition Centre in Moskou, Rusland. China-lutongMachinery Works Co., Ltd is gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling, productie enverkoop van reserveonderdelen voor dieselbrandstofinjectiesystemen. Ons doel isom eersteklas producten te vervaardigen en een eersteklas fabrikant enleverancier te worden. Onzestand nr. 7.6 hal S20, in deze tentoonstelling zullen we de volgende productendaar tonen: koprotor (VE, DPA, DP200, DPS, X.4), repa000000