夜雪星魂吧 关注:51贴子:1,960
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【文文】。魂魄。{Dawn 黎明}


1楼2011-01-14 23:17回复
    注意:这是无水版的, 有意见的话发到另一个贴~

    2楼2011-01-14 23:33
           The teenager had came into Irene's room to look at her windows again. "I saw a shadow among the bushes this morning," Irene told the boy. He kept silent, then drew the curtains. The room became darker in an instant. "Looks like the situation has become worse," he said, staring at the other window of Irene's room. "Don't get out of this room, whatever you hear or see," the teenager told her before closing the doors. Irene frowned. What was happening?
            Irene drew the curtains of the other windows and sat on the bed. She drifted into sleep a minute later, falling horizontally onto the bed. The teenager opened the doors slowly, and stared at Irene. He covered her with his jacket, then silently went out of Irene's room.
             A gunshot woke Irene up. She clutched the jacket on top of her, then tiptoed out of bed to the door. She was about to go out, until she remembered what the teenager had said to her later that morning. She sighed and turned around.
            Suddenly, a gun was pointed towards her head. Irene froze instantly, afraid to move. "It's a wonder why Vincent had bothered to save you," a voice similar to the teenager's voice said. "After I killed your family." Irene's eyes widened with fear. "He did not kill my family?" she thought, shivering as she tried to sort out the features of the man beside her.
           Irene kept quiet. She had heard the man fall, but she wasn't sure if he was unconsious. She breathed deeply, then ran out of her room for the first time in 4 years. She ran frantically until she tripped over something. She got up, looked behind her, and went pale. She was looking at the remains of a person that looked very similar with her father. Irene stepped back a step at a time, and screamed.
            She saw the teenager rush over and cover her eyes. “It's alright," a warm voice whispered into her ear. Irene was still shivering when she felt the teenager pull her towards another room. He uncovered his eyes slowly, giving Irene time to calm down and forget what just happened. Irene opened her eyes slowly, looking at the teenager. "You didn't kill my family," she whispered. "No, I did not," he looked away. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. The teenager hesitated for a second. "It was not necessary."
            Irene observed the teenager slowly. He was covered in blood, his suit torn everywhere. There was a new scar on his face, and his eyes were not covered by his fringe as usual. "Are you alright now? We need to go," the teenager told her. Irene looked at the door. She turned back to face the teenager, then nodded her head.

      4楼2011-01-14 23:35
            Irene watched as the teenager opened the door slowly. She watched as he turned around and gestured her to follow him. Irene watched as her own feet listened to his command, walking step by step towards him. She watched as he turned back around, leaving Irene pale behind him.
              Vincent glanced behind him. He was not sure if Irene was still afraid or not, but he did not care. People were trying to kill them at that time. "Close your eyes," said he, taking her hand and leading her towards the entrance of his house. There were dead bodies all around them, and it was terrifying. Most of the hands and legs were separated, and even he could not bear to take another look. But looking at dead bodies wasn't what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to get Irene to safety first.
                Irene shivered. Witnessing the images in the house was a little too much for her back then. She sat down on the bench, inhaling deep breaths of air slowly. She watched the teenager slowly, looking as he turned around to check on her. She concentrated on his face, squinting until she finally realized who her 'kidnapper' was.
                 "Why?" Irene asked out of the blue. Vincent raised one of his eyebrows. "What do you mean, why?" Irene raised her head. "You are my younger brother Vincent, aren't you?" Vincent froze and stared at Irene.
                 Vincent smiled. "I never thought you would figure that out, sis," he said. "What happened to you?" Irene asked. "You don't look like yourself anymore. What did you do to your face?" She asked.
                 Vincent looked away. "That's a long story."

        5楼2011-01-14 23:35
             Irene smiled. “I won't force you if you don't want to talk about it," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks," Vincent said quietly. Irene beamed even wider and patted her brother's head. "You've grown alot since I last knew who you were," she said. "You've been seeing me every day for 4 years, sis." Irene snorted. "You're right."
                  Vincent stood up. "Rested enough?" He asked. Irene nodded her head. "Yup," she looked at the fountain. "Where do we go now?" She asked. "I have a friend," Vincent said, "he just needs more talking to." Irene bit her lip. "He doesn't like us?" She asked. "I don't know," he said, "I tried to form relationships with him over the years, but it didn't work." Irene nodded her head. "Should we go?" Vincent asked.
                   Irene and Vincent stood in front of a house. Vincent looked at Irene, and she smiled. Vincent knocked on the door. A man around Irene's age, perhaps a little bigger, opened the door. "Vincent?" He exclaimed, "what are you doing here?" Irene glanced at the ground. The man looked at Irene. "And who might this be?" He asked. Vincent smiled. "This is Irene, my elder sister." Irene bowed slightly. "Our house just had an attack," he said, "and we were hoping that you would give us some shelter." Vincent explained. "Of course," he smiled. "I haven't introduced you to myself, have I?" The man smiled at Irene. "I am Michael West," he said, "and come in, both of you."

          6楼2011-01-24 20:17
                    Irene and Vincent followed Michael into his house. "I wouldn't normally let people in," he said, stopping in front of a large door. "Because of her, you see." He pushed it open, revealing a sick and frail woman lying on the bed in the middle of the room. Irene's eyes widened. Vincent frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I could have done something for you." Michael smiled and shook his head. "My mother doesn't really like visitors," he told him, "and she don't like doctors." Irene looked at the woman. ”But since I already decided to let both of you stay here," he said, "I don't see the point of hiding her from anyone anymore. We're all living under the same room now." Irene walked over to the sleeping woman. "I can take care of her, if you want, Michael." She requested.
                     Michael smiled. "There's no need, Irene. I can look after her myself." He looked at Vincent. "Well, I don't really mind. It's the least thing I could do for you to let us stay here," she said. Michael hesitated. "Well, thank you, Irene. I really appreciate it." He said. Michael's mother woke up. "Well, well. Who's this fine lady?" Her voice trembled. Irene bowed. "I am called Irene Reven,“ she told her. ”I'll be taking care of you these days." She beamed.
                     Vincent and Michael walked out of the room. "Michael," Vincent said, "I was wondering if you'll sign my contract we talked about the other day." Michael raised a glass of wine from a table. "You mean your contract about destroying the world?" Vincent sighed. "Not destroy, Michael. Reinvent." Michael shrugged. "Sounds the same to me," he said. "It isn't the same, Michael." Vincent said. "If both of us paired up, we could actually change the world!" He exclaimed. "If we are on the same team, you won't believe how much potential both of us will have together!" Michael shook his head. "No, Vincent. Your dream is just too hard to believe," he told him. "Why not? Both of us have the power."

            7楼2011-02-06 13:21
                      "It's not as hard as you think, Michael." Vincent sighed. "Your plan focuses on destroying it," Michael told him, "while I just want to change it for the better good." Vincent rolled his eyes. "Michael," he said, "my plan is actually quite similar to yours, you know." Vincent stared at the chandelier on top of him. "I'm also changing the world by destroying it," he said. "Stop being a fool, Vincent." Michael followed his gaze. "I'm making this world better. You're making it worse." Vincent looked away. "I hope you won't be foolish, Vincent," Michael noticed Irene standing behind Vincent several feet away. "There are a whole lot of examples of who failed at making your plan come true." Vincent's frown deepened. "Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to introduce your sister to my brother."
                        Irene leaned against the wall. "What were you two talking about earlier?" She asked. "Ah, so you have bad hearing," Michael smiled. "Business." Irene raised one of her eyebrows. "Very well," she said, "I know you two are negotiating about something that decides the fate of this world," she glanced at Michael. He snorted. "How poetic." Irene showed no expression. "I heard you liked playing the piano," Michael said. "I was wondering if you would like to listen to my brother play." Irene smiled at her shadow. "Now, who did you hear that from?" Michael faked a smile. "Your brother, Vincent, told me that." He lied. Michael breathed a sigh of relief. "That was a close guess," he thought.
                          Vincent hovered above the chandelier of Michael's ballroom. He observed his sister clearly, wondering what trap Michael was setting her in. Michael and Irene wouldn't notice him due to their position, but he still made sure to hide himself carefully. Michael was a very cunning man, and if he really wanted to protect his sister, Michael West would be the first person he would be careful of.

              8楼2011-02-06 13:21