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IP属地:天津1楼2010-12-31 13:41回复

    IP属地:天津2楼2011-01-01 13:11

      IP属地:天津3楼2011-01-01 13:21
        Prince Charles sends hopes, prayers to Queensland
        By Europe correspondent Emma Alberici
        Updated 5 hours 37 minutes ago
        Related Story: Queen donates to flood appeal Related Story: Queen extends sympathies to flood victims The Prince of Wales has sent a message of "solidarity" to the victims of the Queensland floods.
        Prince Charles sent his hopes, prayers and good wishes to those in Queensland whose lives have been devastated by the floodwaters.
        "What I can never get over is how wonderfully resilient the Australian people are when these sort of disasters occurs," he said.
        "So many of us here in this country wanted to offer our deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives in this appalling tragedy.
        "It's almost impossible to imagine the floods where they are now in Brisbane itself, but also all those outlying regions, all the people who have lost their cattle, their sheep, their horses, their businesses - all these things really - it doesn't bear thinking about.
        "I realise only too well that so much is dependant on the actions of the state, the emergency services, the armed forces, the Queensland Police, who in so many ways I know have made a fantastic difference to people's lives in these sort of disasters.
        The Prince of Wales recalled fondly his time in Queensland when he was with the Royal Navy.
        He said he had made a contribution to the State Government's charity fund to help with the reconstruction efforts.
        His donation follows one made by the Queen earlier this week.
        "I realise only too well - we all do - that the aftermath, the clean-up, the reconstruction, all this effort is going to be vast and I'm so glad to hear that the Queensland fund has been set up to which I'm only too happy and proud to contribute something."

        IP属地:天津4楼2011-01-15 10:31
          IP属地:天津5楼2011-01-15 10:31
            Prince Charles and David Cameron visit injured troops at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
            Dec 22 2010
            The Prince of Wales and Prime Minister David Cameron have paid a morale-boosting pre-Christmas visit to injured troops being treated at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine in Birmingham.
            The prince and Mr Cameron arrived amid light but persistent snow to visit service personnel being cared for by both military and civilian staff at the unit at the newly-opened Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.
            The Prime Minister and the prince were welcomed at the main entrance to the £545 million hospital by its medical director, Dave Rosser, and the commanding officer of the RCDM, Group Captain Wendy Williams.
            Mr Cameron and the prince, who was wearing a Parachute Regiment tie and a Royal British Legion pin, then spent around 20 minutes chatting with military carers and hospital staff in a public reception area.
            The RCDM, which cares for soldiers wounded in Afghanistan, manages a dedicated 32-bed ward at the hospital.
            Charles has made regular visits in recent years to the RCDM, which moved its medical facilities to the new hospital from the nearby Selly Oak Hospital in June. His Royal Highness last visited the unit with the Duchess of Cornwall in July, spending nearly three hours meeting injured service personnel, their families and military and civilian medical staff.
            The Prime Minister was invited by Charles to join him for this afternoon's private visit to those being treated at the RCDM.
            Helen Gyves, the hospital's matron for critical care, said the Prince showed a deep interest in the military patients, some of them severely injured.
            The Prime Minister's presence made the occasion doubly special for the injured military patients, the matron added.
            Ms Gyves said: "They particularly love Prince Charles. From the military point of view, he is their icon. He always comes throughout the year but it's turning into a bit of a tradition that he comes at Christmas.
            "He knows which regiment each patient is from and he often knows how their injuries have happened. To them, for him to come is very special."

            IP属地:天津6楼2011-01-15 10:32

              IP属地:天津7楼2011-01-15 10:32
                Prince Charles 'does not remember' meeting model who claims he asked for a private catwalk show
                Last updated at 12:50 PM on 12th January 2011
                Comments (17) Add to My Stories Prince Charles 'does not remember' ever meeting the supermodel who claims to have been propositioned by him, he has said.
                Clarence House today took the unusual step of issuing a statement about the Prince's alleged flirtatious exchanges with Mozambique-born Tasha de Vasconcelos ten years ago.
                In an explosive book, the 42-year-old claims Charles admired her curves and asked her to perform a 'private catwalk show'. Camilla Parker Bowles was said to be jealous of their rapport.
                But a spokesman for the Prince said today: 'No one here has any recollection of them ever meeting. There is no record of this person.'

                IP属地:天津8楼2011-01-15 10:33
                  El Príncipe de Gales ha mostrado una vez más su cara más solidaria. El Heredero al trono inglés ha enviado un mensaje a todos los damnificados por las inundaciones que desde hace varios días asolan el condado australiano de Queensland. “Quiero expresar nuestra solidaridad y enviar nuestras oraciones a todos los afectados”. Quien también ha querido solidarizarse con los australianos ha sido el tenista Rafa Nadal. El mallorquín y el suizo Rodger Federer disputarán mañana un partido en Melbourne. Según Nadal, “es una tragedia terrible, no sólo por la pérdida de vidas, sino por la destrucción de los hogares de tantas personas. Estoy encantado de poder contribuir de alguna manera a atraer la atención mundial sobre el asunto y conseguir algo de dinero para las víctimas”.

                  IP属地:天津11楼2011-01-16 10:10
                    查尔斯王子投资兴建“乌托邦” 已吸引数千印度穷人入住

                    IP属地:天津12楼2011-01-18 16:44

                      IP属地:天津13楼2011-01-18 16:45
                          快报记者 潘文军 编译

                        IP属地:天津14楼2011-01-18 17:32
                          IP属地:天津15楼2011-01-18 17:32
                            The Prince of Wales makes a donation to the flood relief efforts in Queensland
                            14th January 2011
                            The Prince of Wales said the floods in Australia were "almost impossible to imagine" as he made a donation to the relief efforts.
                            He also paid tribute to the work of the Emergency Services and the Armed Forces in Brisbane.
                            The private donation is to the Queensland Premier's Flood Relief Appeal.
                            Speaking at his Scottish residence, Birkhall, The Prince told the BBC: "So many of us here in this country wanted to offer our deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives in this appalling tragedy. We’ve all been watching with mounting dismay and concern the appalling nature of these floods.
                            "I realise only too well that so much is dependant on the actions of the state, the emergency services, the armed forces, the Queensland Police, who in so many ways I know have made a fantastic difference to people's lives in these sort of disasters.
                            "I realise only too well - we all do - that the aftermath, the clean-up, the reconstruction, all this effort is going to be vast and I'm so glad to hear that the Queensland fund has been set up to which I'm only too happy and proud to contribute something."
                            The donation follows one by the Queen yesterday.

                            IP属地:天津19楼2011-01-21 18:10

                              IP属地:天津20楼2011-01-21 18:10