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1楼2010-12-16 08:29回复
    作者:野猪的外公   发表日期:2010-12-5 8:55:00
         雅虎加拿大今天头条就是中国高铁破纪录的新闻,于是引起了北美JY和FF的混战! 原文如下:
    BEIJING, China - A Chinese passenger train hit a record speed of 302 miles per hour (486 kilometres per hour) Friday during a test run of a yet-to-be opened link between Beijing and Shanghai, state media said.
    The Xinhua News Agency said it was the fastest speed recorded by an unmodified conventional commercial train. Other types of trains in other countries have travelled faster.
    A specially modified French TGV train reached 357.2 mph (574.8 kph) during a 2007 test, while a Japanese magnetically levitated train sped to 361 mph (581 kph) in 2003.
    State television footage showed the sleek white train whipping past green farm fields in eastern China. It reached the top speed on a segment of the 824-mile (1,318-kilometre) -long line between Zaozhuang city in Shandong province and Bengbu city in Anhui province, Xinhua said.
         The line is due to open in 2012 and will halve the current travel time between the capital Beijing and Shanghai to five hours.
         The project costs $32.5 billion and is part of a massive government effort to link many of China’’s cities by high-speed rail and reduce overcrowding on heavily used lines.
         China already has the world’’s longest high-speed rail network, and it plans to cover 8,125 miles (13,000 kilometres) by 2012 and 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometres) by 2020.
         The drive to develop high-speed rail technology rivals China’’s space program in terms of national pride and importance. Railway officials say they want to reach speeds over 500 kph (312 mph).

    2楼2010-12-16 08:31
      作者:野猪的外公   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:29:56     
           The Chinese can build at whatever quality level we in North America desire... unfortunately, the majority of us slack jawed yokels want the cheapest crap imaginable.
           We go to WalMart to save money on essential items, then cant resist some impulse purchases ("ohhhh, isnt it cute" or "what a deal, Ill buy it even if I dont really need it"). So the Chinese are making EXACTLY what we stupid westerners want, which is CHEAP CRAP and we are NOT saving money when we buy it.
           Its worth mentioning that the majority of stuff purchased at the likes of WalMart/Target etc. ends up in a landfill within months of purchase... usually because it breaks or fails to perform at an acceptable level.
           If you dont want CHEAP CRAP from CHINA then STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT AND STOP BUYING IT!!!!!!!!

      3楼2010-12-16 08:35
        作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:42:43     
             We could; and should have high speed rail service in the United States. Other countries have it; and are highly sucessfull. Why then; doesnt the United States have a rail system in place that would benefit a majority of Americans? Two words. Big Oil. At the end of WW2; L.A. had the very best rail system in the country; bar none. So what happened? The oil companies at the time colluded together; bought all the local transit compamies; ripped out the tracks; and started paving roads. End result. L.A. resembles the worlds biggest parking lot at rush hour.

        4楼2010-12-16 08:37
          作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:59:55     
               China almost conquered the world as it was known over a thousand years ago. They opted for isolation and all new developments in science and engineering ceased. They had already invented the things we take for granted today. They are a waking giant and new, bigger and better things will flow from China in the yerars to come. Anyone who thinks they are stupid, is himself stupid. They dont have to steal from the West. They are well capable of developing on their own. When they "steal", they are only following the principal of "not re-inventing the wheel".

          5楼2010-12-16 08:39
            作者:野猪的外公   回复日期:2010-12-05   11:55:15     
                 Japanese helped chinese to build fast train system in Summer Olympic, Chinese just copy Japanese train technology, and say it to the world it their own technology. Chinese Government is awful.
                 So what
                 One of the reasons China will rule the future, Building infrastructure. Too many of the early industrialised countries are still relying on old tech and can't afford or are unwilling to upgrade. China is basically building from the ground up and using the past success and failures of other countries as a guildline. Just smart. If I was going to start a business I'd look at all my rivals first.
                 Can you provide evidence?
                 What is wrong if indeed Japanese introduced the first train and the Chinese built on this and made improvement? Isn't this how progresses are made?
                 The west stole a lot of their technology too. You think the USA would of made it to the moon without the Germans? Think nuclear reactors would exist today without Einstein?
                 Electricity without Tesla? The telephone without Bell? You probably still think Bell was educated in Canada.
                 西方人同样也偷了不少技术.你觉得米国人没有德国人的帮助就能登月?你认为没有爱因斯坦世界上就会有核反应堆? 你认为没有特斯拉就会有电?没有贝尔就会有电话?难道你真认为贝尔是在加拿大接受教育的?

            6楼2010-12-16 08:44

              作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:29:47     
                   Imagine how many jobs we can get from a project like that her in the US. Instead of wasting money on illegal wars, we can have high speed rails across the country.

              9楼2010-12-16 08:51

                10楼2010-12-16 08:54

                  作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:30:51     
                       Even Brazil gets their by 2016, were headed for Rome folks!

                  12楼2010-12-16 09:04

                    作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   10:37:16     
                         A few years ago I took an amtrack train from Sacramento to Los Angeles (430 miles) it took 15 hours. Maybe the Chinese can teach us how to improve our transportation system

                    13楼2010-12-16 09:05

                      作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   11:10:16     
                           As China does this
                           Gov. Cris Cristy of NJ says America is too broke and stupid to dig a tunnel to NY

                      14楼2010-12-16 09:07
                        Here in the west we have gradually developed into a "me" society (take care of # 1 first). China is a "we" society. They work as a team. The group takes precedent over the individual. This difference is most apparent in our school system. We need to reverse this soon. It is not good. We are weakening ourselves as a society.

                        16楼2010-12-16 09:10

                          作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   11:35:49     
                               I commend China, for developing an efficent rail system. We have to be the most-stupid nation on earth. While China, builds fast trains, and Thailand builds NGV fuel stations, we talk about plug in cars and more gas tax. Listen up U.S. Congress, "your plug-in cars are dumb." Most people don't want to take time to charge the cell-phone. And please listen, "electricity isn't free and your $41,000.00 electric plug in hybrids will be a flop."

                          17楼2010-12-16 09:11

                            作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   11:42:57     
                                 Is governor Christie gay? We know he like to spend a lot of taxpayers money on hotel and food.
                                 州长 Christie 是不是个gay啊?我们都知道他喜欢在宾馆和吃喝上面花我们纳税人的钱。

                            18楼2010-12-16 09:12

                              作者:换个马甲好难   回复日期:2010-12-05   11:47:15     
                                   Meanwhile our politicians suggest Americans to pay medical bills with a chicken and ride the 18th century built steamer to cross the Hudson River from New Jersey to Manhattan.
                                   与此同时我们的政客们正在建议美国人为一只鸡的医疗账单付款,驾驶一个18世纪的轮船去穿越哈得孙河,从New Jersey 到 Manhattan.

                              19楼2010-12-16 09:13