In canon, 'his' is used in place of a neuter pronoun, as none exists in English.
Not much is known about Da'an's history, since most of his two-thousand-plus years have been spent elsewhere. It is known however, that he has been a member of the diplomatic caste and a war tactician for much of that time, as well as being the last Taelon to successfully reproduce, which created Zo'or. He has been unswervingly, fiercely loyal to his people in their fight against the Jaridians.
That unswerving loyalty began to shake when he arrived on Earth, where he became the Companion to North America. In this position, he has more influence than even the President, and certainly more public popularity. Da'an enjoys the mass adulation of most of the Earth's population, for his ethereal appearance and kind demeanor, as well as his willingness to use his race's scientific knowledge to help humankind.
His life changes when a sniper seemingly tries to shoot him, and hits megamogul Jonathan Doors instead. Da'an is deeply troubled by this event, but he is also impressed by ****** captain William Boone, with whom he feels a deep bond. He invites Boone to join them as an implant, but Boone refuses. After his wife's death, Da'an offers again, and Boone refuses... until the human Resistance movement recruits him. Da'an is greatly pleased by the addition of this new implant, and grows closer to Boone until the latter's death. While Da'an teaches Boone about Taelon culture and language, Boone begins to change Da'an's mind about humanity's strength, spirit and compatibility with the Taelon race. These changes have a profound impact on them both.
At Boone's funeral, Da'an is saved from a killer probe by alien hybrid Liam Kincaid, by whom he is intrigued. He takes Liam on as his new protector, and forms a sort of parent-child relationship with him. This is partly out of his liking for the young, brash hybrid and partly out of repentance. This situation climaxes after Da'an's horrific transformation into an Atavus. Liam reveals his part-alien heritage when he saves Da'an, and subsequently takes Da'an down to the Resistance HQ. Out of sympathy to their motives, Da'an does not reveal their location.
This also adds to Da'an's desire to keep relations between humanity and the Taelon Synod – headed by his offspring Zo'or – from becoming too rocky. He challenges Zo'or several times, and is nearly killed by him on a few occasions. But Da'an also begins to worry that he is abandoning his own kind, and attempts to regain Zo'or's trust. He finds his relationship with Liam Kincaid becoming increasingly difficult, as his own divided loyalties begin to trouble him. Despite this friction, Da'an cares deeply for his protector, and would never willingly put his protector in the way of harm. However, he frequently puts himself on the line, in the interest of helping his own kind to survive – even to the point of repeatedly endangering his life.