Haoletaogetun,Wujianfang village, Wulantuga town, Songyuan Qian Gorlos Mongol AutonomousCounty, Jilin province. Its name is“Kaner” in Mongolian. In the 1970s, thegroup herdsmen in our village owned more than 2,000 pastures, which belonged tothe vast recovery area. Living in the Mongols Autonomous Region, Mongolsherdsmen, who are influenced by Mongols culture, make a living by herdinganimals. Mongolian and Han members of the group live together harmoniously andhappily.
In themid-1980s, in this small, closed and quiet mountain village, more than tenforest farms under the county forestry bureau suddenly arrived. They did nothave the consent of the village herdsmen, nor did they have the formalities forthe state to expropriate, change grassland and arable land, the tractorsswarmed in, shouting slogans for the national reforestation conference. Thesound of People's slogans, the roar of tractors and the sound of small redflags fluttering all over the mountains stunned our members. They raced aroundplanting flags and seizing land, ignoring the pleas and cries of the herders.The scene was like the horse racing enclosures of the Manchu Eight Banners andthe Wild China of other ethnic groups. In the end, the herdsmen watchedhelplessly as the more than 2,000 acres of pastureland and most of the arableland were completely divided up by these ten or so forest farms, even the areaof cultivated land has shrunk to several hundred tons because of being robbedof planting, and the forest department has seized the area of planting treesand the area of cultivated land of the members. As for the members of theforest farms to prevent excessive planting of trees, can be described asIndians to prevent foreign invasion. . . . . . ... with predictable results.
With thedeepening of forest tenure, many contradictions between herdsmen and forestrydepartments have gradually become prominent. It was thought that changingpasture to forest land could also allow herdsmen to graze, but the reality isthe opposite. As a result, most herders had to sell their cattle and sheep tobecome farmers and move into the fields, where more than a dozen forest farmsshowed off their prowess. Every autumn and winter more than 10 forest rangersin the name of anti-illegal felling team door-to-door search for trees, in thevillage to add eyeliner free to eat and drink, where there are heavy penaltiesfor dead trees rotten branches; Even worse, members of the commune areprevented from repairing mountain roads to collect soil during the autumnharvest season by the forestry authorities. Even cement roads and high-voltagelines designed for the country's 2021 high-standard farmland are not allowed topass through forest areas, the reason is forest farms, forest areas, forestrights! As a result, more than 100 members of dozens of farmland did not enjoyhigh standards of treatment. Under the power of forestry, the members can onlyremain in a primitive state. . .
In the processof the gradual advancement of forest rights in more than ten forest farms, theownership, boundary and many places of the forest land held by the collectivesand members of our village have been forcibly occupied and planted by these tenforest farms. The Forestry Department has never informed US members inconfirming the forest land boundary, let alone respected the forest landboundary of the collective and the members. For collective and individualforest land edge overlap, cross area, the land involved no matter how largesimply do not issue a property certificate to forestry households. In theautumn and winter of 2017, the forest farm of Wulantuga town forcibly felledthe trees of the members on the legal basis of holding the forest rightcertificate. They ignored the contract signed with the village committee in thehands of the members. The trees they had managed for decades were eagerly takenaway by the forest farm.
At the end ofthe 1990s, the collective forest land in our village was suspected to beincluded in the names of several forest farms, angry members of the more than20 people spontaneously took the village committee to open the certificate,agreement, and members to work, pay for saplings to the county forestry bureautheory. We Go to the county committee, visit the Bureau, and finally 3 dayslater, a near noon, when the director of Liu Hanfu reluctantly received us. Heshowed us the files he had prepared, saying that our collective forest land hadnot been nationalized at all. In November, however, the 2024 learned that theyhad been duped for more than 20 years when two forest farms visited the site tosurvey and plan logging. In the public loudly angrily asked, Wulantuga ForestFarm leaders on the spot admitted that they did not plant the trees on thisplot, butー they have their own forest rightcertificate. Claiming that members wouldn't let them cut down trees, and theywouldn't let members cut down trees. The collective members of the group don'thave the forest right certificates they gave them. . . ... only the historicalfact that in 1987, the president of the 6th commune of our village organizedall the old and young people to invest in, work in and plant trees. At thattime, another commune member was almost kicked to death on the spot by a horsepulling a plow, and later died of his injuries. In fact, changing the look ofour hometown is a big issue, which our members don't understand. Only know thatblocking the wind sand field can be more food! . For this piece of woodland weall members pay not only money, Sweat and life! And ownership, clear boundariesof the forestry households, but also face a serious problem —— logging. ! Theright to examine and approve forest harvesting in the county forestry bureau! .The tree age is insufficient can not cut down! No matter how large the rate ofincomplete forest can not be cut down! Logging in excess of 50% of a person'sname is not granted a permit. Say there is a quota control, and the state-ownedforest felled a hundred tree or more. . . . Know is our village collective...... Not to grant logging permits! The entire town, the village individualdeclaration felling simply does not have one to be able to pass! But handlesthe card, the cutting has been monopolized by the Forestry Department relationshousehold, in their hand holds the target to be possible in the county areaarbitrary cutting. Unwilling to be underpriced farmers, can only helplesslylook at the approval of Felling Certificate and Tree Age and more than 30 yearsof large tracts of forest withered. Even more difficult than getting a fellingcertificate is having to pay a forestation deposit to the forestry bureau. Thehigh deposit also discourages farmers from cutting and reforestation, leavingthe trees to die and the land to be shelved.
In 1986, therewere more than 200 forest lands in Dongshan village, which were collectivelyplanted by the members of our village. But by 2005, they were destroyed inbatches, stages and grids by an unknown forest farm, and 37 pine trees have notbeen spared by large excavators. The members' efforts to stop him are merely aretelling of the story of the Praying Mantis ... . The cleared land is nowofficially farmland for the forestry sector. Up to now, more than 20 years havepassed, and the Forestry Bureau has spent a lot of manpower and materialresources to plant new saplings every year. No matter what rare varieties ofsaplings have appeared, it is not seen that saplings have survived. It goeswithout saying that people all over the world know that the forestry sector hasstaged its own game between tree planting and deforestation in order to auctionoff arable land to the outside world-to generate income. Not to mention thatthey are holding a special state subsidy for tree planting in one hand, and theother hand from our production team forest land into cultivated land took theauction contract money far more than 10 million. The Bitter Collective membersonly wanted to ask: our members' farming rights will be taken back after twoyears of abandonment, and the forestry department has taken away our members'forest land and trees, even if it is simply planting trees to change theecology, but then they destroy the trees and turn them back into farmland to generateincome. What does that make sense? The 200-odd Yuan is forest land, but ithasn't allowed the saplings to survive for more than 20 years; it's cultivatedland, but we didn't have the right of first refusal when they were auctionedoff by the Forestry Bureau. This land has belonged to our group since the verybeginning of our country. Now that the Forestry Department is doing this, don'twe commune members have the right to reclaim the farmland that used to belongto our collectives?
In the autumn of2009, more than a dozen forest farms used large trenching machines to digforest trenches in the name of preventing cattle and sheep from entering forestland. Not to mention trees old enough thick enough, cattle and sheep on thetrees simply can not hurt. What is hateful is that the mountain road is notleft for the herdsmen to travel. Lead to many cattle and sheep fall ditch YangDie, a few years after the wind and sand less than 2 years of forest protectionditch was naturally added flat. Everyone can see that the project will cost thestate a lot of money, but the farmers know better than anyone that the forestryauthorities ignored the opposition of their members and acted as if they weregoing their own way. Digging ditches is worse than digging ditches. In the 2023spring, one forest farm cut down several forest classes. Before cutting, eachforest compartment was of equal width and the trees were in a straight line.Before planting saplings, large excavators were used to ring the trenches. As aresult, the forest farm intentionally loosened the forest ban and forcibly cutup the farmers' cultivated land. Dozens of farmers came out holding landconfirmation certificates to block and call the police. ... In the first sevendays of the golden farming season, the result was that the same forest did notblock the width of the trench, but instead cut off the head of the cultivatedland by more than 10 meters to intentionally widen the forest In the pastyears, the forestry department has cut down trees in an unscientific andsystematic way without taking into account the serious desertification ofcultivated land caused by large-scale cutting. More hateful is the arbitrarytrenching after logging, ignoring the destruction of agricultural land,ignoring the state-issued land confirmation certificate.
To sum up, theJilin provincial Qian Gorlos Mongol Autonomous County Forestry Bureau and itsten-plus Forestry Farms, in their many conflicts with the farmers of ourvillage, have disregarded the Constitution, disrespected the historical andrealistic situation, disrespected ethnic minorities, forcibly occupied land,forcibly robbed forests, disregarded stability and unity, driven the right toprofit, and had no interest in lazy politics, seriously affect the image ofstate organs, but also implore the relevant departments to look down, ask,check, a tube.
This is the QianGorlos Mongol Autonomous County of Wujianfang village, Wulantuga Town, Jilinprovince! If the above materials are not true, we are all members of the clubwill bear legal responsibility!
In themid-1980s, in this small, closed and quiet mountain village, more than tenforest farms under the county forestry bureau suddenly arrived. They did nothave the consent of the village herdsmen, nor did they have the formalities forthe state to expropriate, change grassland and arable land, the tractorsswarmed in, shouting slogans for the national reforestation conference. Thesound of People's slogans, the roar of tractors and the sound of small redflags fluttering all over the mountains stunned our members. They raced aroundplanting flags and seizing land, ignoring the pleas and cries of the herders.The scene was like the horse racing enclosures of the Manchu Eight Banners andthe Wild China of other ethnic groups. In the end, the herdsmen watchedhelplessly as the more than 2,000 acres of pastureland and most of the arableland were completely divided up by these ten or so forest farms, even the areaof cultivated land has shrunk to several hundred tons because of being robbedof planting, and the forest department has seized the area of planting treesand the area of cultivated land of the members. As for the members of theforest farms to prevent excessive planting of trees, can be described asIndians to prevent foreign invasion. . . . . . ... with predictable results.
With thedeepening of forest tenure, many contradictions between herdsmen and forestrydepartments have gradually become prominent. It was thought that changingpasture to forest land could also allow herdsmen to graze, but the reality isthe opposite. As a result, most herders had to sell their cattle and sheep tobecome farmers and move into the fields, where more than a dozen forest farmsshowed off their prowess. Every autumn and winter more than 10 forest rangersin the name of anti-illegal felling team door-to-door search for trees, in thevillage to add eyeliner free to eat and drink, where there are heavy penaltiesfor dead trees rotten branches; Even worse, members of the commune areprevented from repairing mountain roads to collect soil during the autumnharvest season by the forestry authorities. Even cement roads and high-voltagelines designed for the country's 2021 high-standard farmland are not allowed topass through forest areas, the reason is forest farms, forest areas, forestrights! As a result, more than 100 members of dozens of farmland did not enjoyhigh standards of treatment. Under the power of forestry, the members can onlyremain in a primitive state. . .
In the processof the gradual advancement of forest rights in more than ten forest farms, theownership, boundary and many places of the forest land held by the collectivesand members of our village have been forcibly occupied and planted by these tenforest farms. The Forestry Department has never informed US members inconfirming the forest land boundary, let alone respected the forest landboundary of the collective and the members. For collective and individualforest land edge overlap, cross area, the land involved no matter how largesimply do not issue a property certificate to forestry households. In theautumn and winter of 2017, the forest farm of Wulantuga town forcibly felledthe trees of the members on the legal basis of holding the forest rightcertificate. They ignored the contract signed with the village committee in thehands of the members. The trees they had managed for decades were eagerly takenaway by the forest farm.
At the end ofthe 1990s, the collective forest land in our village was suspected to beincluded in the names of several forest farms, angry members of the more than20 people spontaneously took the village committee to open the certificate,agreement, and members to work, pay for saplings to the county forestry bureautheory. We Go to the county committee, visit the Bureau, and finally 3 dayslater, a near noon, when the director of Liu Hanfu reluctantly received us. Heshowed us the files he had prepared, saying that our collective forest land hadnot been nationalized at all. In November, however, the 2024 learned that theyhad been duped for more than 20 years when two forest farms visited the site tosurvey and plan logging. In the public loudly angrily asked, Wulantuga ForestFarm leaders on the spot admitted that they did not plant the trees on thisplot, butー they have their own forest rightcertificate. Claiming that members wouldn't let them cut down trees, and theywouldn't let members cut down trees. The collective members of the group don'thave the forest right certificates they gave them. . . ... only the historicalfact that in 1987, the president of the 6th commune of our village organizedall the old and young people to invest in, work in and plant trees. At thattime, another commune member was almost kicked to death on the spot by a horsepulling a plow, and later died of his injuries. In fact, changing the look ofour hometown is a big issue, which our members don't understand. Only know thatblocking the wind sand field can be more food! . For this piece of woodland weall members pay not only money, Sweat and life! And ownership, clear boundariesof the forestry households, but also face a serious problem —— logging. ! Theright to examine and approve forest harvesting in the county forestry bureau! .The tree age is insufficient can not cut down! No matter how large the rate ofincomplete forest can not be cut down! Logging in excess of 50% of a person'sname is not granted a permit. Say there is a quota control, and the state-ownedforest felled a hundred tree or more. . . . Know is our village collective...... Not to grant logging permits! The entire town, the village individualdeclaration felling simply does not have one to be able to pass! But handlesthe card, the cutting has been monopolized by the Forestry Department relationshousehold, in their hand holds the target to be possible in the county areaarbitrary cutting. Unwilling to be underpriced farmers, can only helplesslylook at the approval of Felling Certificate and Tree Age and more than 30 yearsof large tracts of forest withered. Even more difficult than getting a fellingcertificate is having to pay a forestation deposit to the forestry bureau. Thehigh deposit also discourages farmers from cutting and reforestation, leavingthe trees to die and the land to be shelved.
In 1986, therewere more than 200 forest lands in Dongshan village, which were collectivelyplanted by the members of our village. But by 2005, they were destroyed inbatches, stages and grids by an unknown forest farm, and 37 pine trees have notbeen spared by large excavators. The members' efforts to stop him are merely aretelling of the story of the Praying Mantis ... . The cleared land is nowofficially farmland for the forestry sector. Up to now, more than 20 years havepassed, and the Forestry Bureau has spent a lot of manpower and materialresources to plant new saplings every year. No matter what rare varieties ofsaplings have appeared, it is not seen that saplings have survived. It goeswithout saying that people all over the world know that the forestry sector hasstaged its own game between tree planting and deforestation in order to auctionoff arable land to the outside world-to generate income. Not to mention thatthey are holding a special state subsidy for tree planting in one hand, and theother hand from our production team forest land into cultivated land took theauction contract money far more than 10 million. The Bitter Collective membersonly wanted to ask: our members' farming rights will be taken back after twoyears of abandonment, and the forestry department has taken away our members'forest land and trees, even if it is simply planting trees to change theecology, but then they destroy the trees and turn them back into farmland to generateincome. What does that make sense? The 200-odd Yuan is forest land, but ithasn't allowed the saplings to survive for more than 20 years; it's cultivatedland, but we didn't have the right of first refusal when they were auctionedoff by the Forestry Bureau. This land has belonged to our group since the verybeginning of our country. Now that the Forestry Department is doing this, don'twe commune members have the right to reclaim the farmland that used to belongto our collectives?
In the autumn of2009, more than a dozen forest farms used large trenching machines to digforest trenches in the name of preventing cattle and sheep from entering forestland. Not to mention trees old enough thick enough, cattle and sheep on thetrees simply can not hurt. What is hateful is that the mountain road is notleft for the herdsmen to travel. Lead to many cattle and sheep fall ditch YangDie, a few years after the wind and sand less than 2 years of forest protectionditch was naturally added flat. Everyone can see that the project will cost thestate a lot of money, but the farmers know better than anyone that the forestryauthorities ignored the opposition of their members and acted as if they weregoing their own way. Digging ditches is worse than digging ditches. In the 2023spring, one forest farm cut down several forest classes. Before cutting, eachforest compartment was of equal width and the trees were in a straight line.Before planting saplings, large excavators were used to ring the trenches. As aresult, the forest farm intentionally loosened the forest ban and forcibly cutup the farmers' cultivated land. Dozens of farmers came out holding landconfirmation certificates to block and call the police. ... In the first sevendays of the golden farming season, the result was that the same forest did notblock the width of the trench, but instead cut off the head of the cultivatedland by more than 10 meters to intentionally widen the forest In the pastyears, the forestry department has cut down trees in an unscientific andsystematic way without taking into account the serious desertification ofcultivated land caused by large-scale cutting. More hateful is the arbitrarytrenching after logging, ignoring the destruction of agricultural land,ignoring the state-issued land confirmation certificate.
To sum up, theJilin provincial Qian Gorlos Mongol Autonomous County Forestry Bureau and itsten-plus Forestry Farms, in their many conflicts with the farmers of ourvillage, have disregarded the Constitution, disrespected the historical andrealistic situation, disrespected ethnic minorities, forcibly occupied land,forcibly robbed forests, disregarded stability and unity, driven the right toprofit, and had no interest in lazy politics, seriously affect the image ofstate organs, but also implore the relevant departments to look down, ask,check, a tube.
This is the QianGorlos Mongol Autonomous County of Wujianfang village, Wulantuga Town, Jilinprovince! If the above materials are not true, we are all members of the clubwill bear legal responsibility!