A King in the making 👑
One of the sub-adult boys from the Sark breakaway pride.
Him and his brother split off from the pride during the night. Both of the boys were resting close to a dam with two of their younger cousins.
Me and my guests were fortunate to see this pride often during my safari in December.
We found them almost daily in different constellations. Apparently it is a pride that likes to split up a lot.
It’s a powerful and large pride that rules one area in the Timbavati Nature Reserve.
A King in the making 👑
One of the sub-adult boys from the Sark breakaway pride.
Him and his brother split off from the pride during the night. Both of the boys were resting close to a dam with two of their younger cousins.
Me and my guests were fortunate to see this pride often during my safari in December.
We found them almost daily in different constellations. Apparently it is a pride that likes to split up a lot.
It’s a powerful and large pride that rules one area in the Timbavati Nature Reserve.