安迪与莉莉的棺材吧 关注:4,008贴子:6,157

APO3搬运TCOAAR同人文①:Another day goes


又一天流逝了Another day goes by
作者:MatchSticksss 原文章站点:archiveofourown
(故事发生在"The coffin of Andrew andRenee" mod/AU中,请勿代入原作)

IP属地:广东1楼2024-12-23 19:17回复
    There is nothing. Only a warm andcomforting darkness that surrounds you. Your conscience, or what is left of itanyways, is being erased as we speak. You don’t have to worry about anythinganymore. Ever.
    “Never ever.”
    “Never ever ever?”
    “Never ever ever ever, baby! It's just youand the endless void now. No police officers, no wardens, no demons, noinsurance companies and, most importantly, no younger sisters are containedwithin. Rejoice! You've earned it.

    IP属地:广东2楼2024-12-23 19:18
      “Wow! This is great!”
      “Yes. Indeed it is.”
      “What was that?”
      “What was what?”
      “The last thing you said… a younger… something?”
      突然间,你感到一种不安的感觉悄然袭来,或者更确切地说,是一种令人毛骨悚然的灵魂颤栗。这种感觉......你知道你刚才说的话让你感觉到了。你能感觉到 这个问题会让你意识到令人痛苦的真相有些事你忘了。
      Suddenly you feel an uneasy sensation creepup on you, or better described, a terrifying soulchilling shiver. This feeling…you know you felt it due to what you just said. You can feel it, this line ofquestioning will lead to the awareness of distressing truth. Something youforgot.

      IP属地:广东3楼2024-12-23 19:18
        Completely mortified by it you decide toplunge even deeper into the eigengrau abyss to neglect this ever happened. Youspent a good while just descending further. How much time passed since youstarted falling? Maybe Minutes? Hours? Days? Months? Perhaps even years? Youhonestly couldn”t care less. All that mattered to you was the fuzzy andcomfortable sensation that surrounding darkness gave y-
        “Did something happen?”
        “It appears you’vearrived.”
        “I arrived? Where? I’m still in the middle of nowhere”
        “You were ‘In TheMiddle Of Nowhere’. But now you are in ‘Bumfuck Nowhere’.”
        “It looks the same to me.”

        IP属地:广东4楼2024-12-23 19:20
          "也许看起来是一样的,但如果你往右边看 就会发现一个非常明显的不同"
          “It may look like, however there is a verynotable difference you’ll find if you look to yourright”
          你往右边看,发现一个绿色的欢迎标志 上面有白色的字,写着:
          You look to your right and find a greenwelcoming sign with white letters that read:
          “Welcome to Fuck-All-Borough
          AKA Bumfuck Nowhere!
          Population: 1”
          “Someone lives here. Is that the difference?”
          “Who is it?”
          “That’s the wrong question.”

          IP属地:广东5楼2024-12-23 19:21
            “You should ask what lives here.”
            “Then what lives here?”
            ”Hey! Are you still there?”
            “No? Ok then…jerkass”
            你决定在新发现的空地上四处游荡,试图找到住在这里的......不管是什么东西。在寻找的过程中,你不禁问自己,谁,或者说,住在这里的东西会是什么样子呢?这个东西会不会有肉身?你毫无头绪。你就像一个流浪者,在虚无中徘徊。直到你突然发现远处有一个白点。看来你很快就能找到答案了。你每走一步,就会离它越来越近。直到最后,你终于知道了它是什么。这个神秘的虚空“人口”其实就是 ——
            You decide to wander around the new voidyou found yourself in order to try and find this… whatever-it-was that residedhere. During your search you couldn’t help but ask yourself who, or rather,what would something that lived here even look like. Would this being even havea corporeal form? You don't have a clue. Like a vagabond, you wander throughthe nothingness. Until suddenly you spot a white dot in the distance. It lookslike you’ll soon have your answer. You get closer and closer with each step youtake. Until finally, you can deduce what it is. This mythical void inhabitantwas, in fact-

            IP属地:广东6楼2024-12-23 19:21
              “A refrigerator?”
              A horizontal refrigerator! With an open-lidno less. Lucky you! Unfortunately, you’re not too interested in basking in itsglory. You’re more interested in what’s inside it. You approach it curiously tosee its contents.
              “WHO SAID THAT?”
              “It was me.”
              “The… refrigerator?”
              You are now speaking with a refrigerator.What an honor!

              IP属地:广东7楼2024-12-23 19:22
                “I am not the refrigerator itself. I amonly inside it,”
                You were not speaking with a refrigerator.What a shame…
                “Who are you then?”
                A strange sense of familiarity anduneasiness emanates from the voice .
                “I am everything.”
                “That didn’t help” - but you still wish toknow what lies before you - “Can you be more specific?”
                “I am the alpha and the omega, the lightand the darkness, the mind and the matter, the joy and the sorrow, the motherand the father, the brother and the sis-”

                IP属地:广东8楼2024-12-23 19:22
                  “Ok, ok, I think I’ve already had mydaily dose of crappy riddles” - you say a bit disappointed
                  “But most importantly, I am you.”
                  “Please, cut the crap already. “
                  “Though I wish I were not. I do not likebeing a coward.”
                  “...What?” - What’s up with this voice? -you think to yourself.
                  “I sense that you do not see yourself inthe same light . Perhaps I should jog your memory.Tell me, compadre, what didyou do the last time you saw her?”
                  Her? Who is she? The voice must be tryingto trick you.Yes, that’s it. Because after all, you lived your whole life inthe abyss, it’s impossible to have met someone else… right?

                  IP属地:广东9楼2024-12-23 19:23
                    But that’s when it hit you.
                    Her… of course. How could you haveforgotten? But paradoxically, despite remembering her, you could not for thelife of you recall her name and appearance.
                    "我......"你的记忆慢慢恢复了 "我听到她在说什么"
                    “I…” -the memories are slowly coming backto you- “I heard her talking.”
                    “Talking about what?”
                    “She was…” -You force your memory a bitmore- “talking about the… end of something? Yeah that was it. I’m sure.”
                    “And what did you do in response?”
                    “I… lit a cigarette.”
                    “Well done. You remembered it.” “Butwhy would that make me a coward?”

                    IP属地:广东10楼2024-12-23 19:23
                      "你自己说吧。当一切分崩离析时,你站在那里一言不发,就像一尊雕像。你知道那是最后的机会去做些什么。尽管如此,你所做的就是站在那里像个小**一样听着一只手叼着烟 而视若无睹"
                      “You said it yourself. You stood therecompletely silent, like a statue, while everything fell
                      apart. You knew that that was the lastopportunity to do something. In spite of that, all you
                      did was stand there and listen like alittle bitch. One hand on the cigarette and the other on the dick.”
                      You had enough.
                      “We’re fucking done here” - you exclaim,clearly agitated, while walking towards the refrigerator to confront thisvoice head on.
                      “I strongly suggest you stop. If you don’t,you will not like what comes next” You ignore everything the voice said andcontinue your stride towards it until you arrive.
                      Looking inside you see a dismembered body.Your eyes quickly dart around looking for the source of the voice. First, younotice a left leg. Then the right one. Followed by a right arm, unsurprisinglyaccompanied by its left counterpart. Finally, you spot a torso.

                      IP属地:广东11楼2024-12-23 19:24
                        But something was missing. Namely, thehead.
                        You reach deeper into the refrigerator. Itsdeepness betraying its outside look . But alas, you found it. A dismemberedhead, with a still visible spine, looking in the opposite direction from you.There is no going back now You reach out for it and grab it, taking it out intothe open, ready to confront this damned voice face-to-face.
                        You spin the head to your direction, tolook dead into its eyes, which are partially hidden by some strands of hair.You brush them to the side, getting a clear look at them.
                        Those dark-green eyes…
                        等等 不 哦 天哪 不......
                        Wait No Oh, God, no…
                        "我警告过你 安迪"。
                        “I warned you, Andy.”

                        IP属地:广东12楼2024-12-23 19:26
                          It was your head. But that wasn’t whatpanicked you, far from it. It was the implication that came with it.
                          If you had a head, it also meant that youhad something else.
                          That distressing truth. That had made youshiver down to your very soul, finally rearing its ugly head.
                          You, Andrew Graves…
                          Have a conscience The machine of pain andundignified suffering is firing up once more in your head.
                          You desperately start looking around thevoid, tears falling down from your eyes, trying your hardest to regain thatfeeling of blissful ignorance.
                          But you knew it was in vain.
                          To eat from the Tree of Knowledge bears thecost of being cast from Eden, The once silent and warm darkness was nowscreaming, deafening you, and consuming you.
                          You can’t take this anymore. You startscreaming for help as the surrounding nothingness lacerates your body. Bloodgushing through every part of your body. A pain beyond description

                          IP属地:广东13楼2024-12-23 19:27
                            Using the last bit of air still left withinyour perforated lungs, you call for your mother.
                            Begging her to cut your head off. Prayingthat this would erase your conscience forever.
                            But… Did all of this excruciating painreally matter? No. It really didn’t.
                            You should be worrying about other things,shouldn’t you?
                            但最重要的是 你杀了自己的亲妹妹 你这个扭曲的精神病——
                            Like the fact you are a cold-bloodedcannibal murderer that tries his hardest to justify his acts, but willinevitably be sentenced to life when caught.
                            Or perhaps how you abandoned poor Julia.Leaving her all alone, while you couldn’t even say a single word due to yourcowardice.
                            But most importantly YOU KILLED YOUR OWNFUCKING SISTER, YOU TWISTED MOTHERFU-

                            IP属地:广东14楼2024-12-23 19:27
                              "什么!?"- 安德鲁一边拼命喊着,一边迅速从床上爬起来,他几乎要跳起来。要不是他母亲就在旁边扶着他的肩膀,他肯定会从床上摔下来。他的眼睛睁得大大的,感觉心脏都要从胸腔里跳出来了,他像溺水的人一样大口大口地喘着气,全身都被冷汗浸透了。
                              “WHAT!?” - Andrew shouted as loud as hecould while quickly getting up from his bed, practically jumping. If his motherwasn’t holding his shoulders right there, he most definitely would’ve fallenout of bed. His eyes were wide open, he felt as if his heart was going to ripout of his chest, he gasped for air like a drowning man and his whole body wasdrenched in a cold sweat.
                              “What…” - He took a small pause to breathe- “What happened?”
                              Renee got closer to him, embracing his bodyin a tight hug, putting her hand on the back of his head, making her son’s headrest above her shoulder. The younger Graves wished he could reciprocate it, buthis body wasn’t obeying his commands for the time being. Slowly but surely, hestarted to calm down.
                              Seeing as her son was more calm now, thewoman began to slowly back away from him to look into his eyes, with her handsstill on his shoulders.

                              IP属地:广东15楼2024-12-23 19:28