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Oligopeptide-10 是一种 15 个氨基酸长的肽,序列为 Phe-Ala-Lys-Ala-Leu-Lys-Ala-Leu-Leu-Lys-Ala-Leu-Lys-Ala-Leu。它是一种水溶性白色粉末,与 5-7 pH 范围内的所有乳液类型相容。它对包括痤疮皮肤杆菌(以前称为痤疮丙酸杆菌)在内的革兰氏阳性菌具有广谱抗菌(杀菌)作用。
Oligopeptide-10 与细菌膜外侧带负电荷的脂磷壁酸结合,靶向细胞质膜,诱导渗透压失衡和细菌细胞死亡。由于其独特的作用机制,革兰氏阳性菌不会像抗生素一样对这种肽产生耐药性,因为它不参与酶促过程,而且作用机制更加机械。
Oligoptide-10 binds to negatively charged lipoteichoic acid on the outer side of bacterial membranes, targeting the cytoplasmic membrane, inducing osmotic pressure imbalance and bacterial cell death. Due to its unique mechanism of action, Gram positive bacteria do not develop resistance to this peptide like antibiotics because it does not participate in enzymatic processes and the mechanism of action is more mechanical.
Oligopeptide-10 可消除有害细菌,减少皮肤发红和刺激,展现健康、容光焕发、均匀的外观。它是一种安全的护肤制剂成分,无毒、低刺激性和致敏性,并且无致突变性。此外,Oligopeptide-10 可改善皮肤的自然防御机制。
Oligoptide-10 can eliminate harmful bacteria, reduce skin redness and irritation, and exhibit a healthy, radiant, and even appearance. It is a safe skincare ingredient that is non-toxic, low irritating and allergenic, and has no mutagenicity. In addition, Oligoptide-10 can improve the natural defense mechanism of the skin.
Oligopeptide-10 用于现代抗痤疮应用。它与水杨酸和其他抗痤疮成分具有良好的相容性,协同作用可提供最佳效果。许多含有这种抗菌肽的制剂的临床试验表明,红色斑点、斑点以及痤疮引起的瑕疵明显减少。
Oligoptide-10 is used in modern anti acne applications. It has good compatibility with salicylic acid and other anti acne ingredients, and its synergistic effect can provide the best results. Many clinical trials of formulations containing this antimicrobial peptide have shown a significant reduction in blemishes caused by red spots, spots, and acne.

IP属地:四川1楼2024-12-16 15:22回复