Mel Chiert 今天早上跟坎三在一起,他的状态一点都不好。他幸存的机会微乎其微 祈祷奇迹 谢谢梅尔的更新,很抱歉你不得不这样看到他
Mel Chiert was with K4 this morning, he is not in good condition at all. His chances of surviving this is minimal praying for a miracle thank you Mel for this update, so sorry you had to see him this way
Mel Chiert 今天早上跟 坎三 在一起,他的狀態一點都不好。他倖存的機會微乎其微 祈禱奇蹟 謝謝梅爾的更新,很抱歉你不得不這樣看到他
from Joanne Stewart 2024.11.22
from pietmuis 2024.11.22(视频截图)
from 2024.11.22
Mel Chiert was with K4 this morning, he is not in good condition at all. His chances of surviving this is minimal praying for a miracle thank you Mel for this update, so sorry you had to see him this way
Mel Chiert 今天早上跟 坎三 在一起,他的狀態一點都不好。他倖存的機會微乎其微 祈禱奇蹟 謝謝梅爾的更新,很抱歉你不得不這樣看到他
from Joanne Stewart 2024.11.22
from pietmuis 2024.11.22(视频截图)
from 2024.11.22