avl吧 关注:731贴子:3,007
  • 1回复贴,共1



Information (Code 8420013)
New joint jacobians were calculated at least for one joint in step 1044.
Number of total joint jacobian updates is 9.
Current Model loop number is 1.
For body GearShaft1 the target accuracy could not be reached.
Accuracy of joint forces: 1.00000E+00 / 1.00000E-02 (reached/target)
Highest deviations occur at Node/DOF: 231354/2, 231355/2, 231354/1
For body MB-Wall1 the target accuracy could not be reached.
Balance of forces: 8.27921E+04 / 3.28583E+03 (reached/target)
Accuracy of joint forces: 9.99998E-01 / 1.00000E-02 (reached/target)
Highest deviations occur at Node/DOF: 203402/1, 203402/2, 203422/1
Interrupted or ended loop unsuccessful after 114 iterations

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2024-10-14 20:39回复

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2024-10-14 20:40