Nothing can illustrate how retarded and uneducated you indeed are. The academic degree is the qualification license for your job,and as a high degree personage,I have the capability to sneer and leer as well as disperse you such a worm. I sincerely urge you to come back the realistic and acknowledge the burden instead of spreading rumours on the Internet to acquire a queer and disgusting sense of gratification. I'm bound to clarity that I respect all jobs regardless of so-called rank, but not an abject clown who fells rapturous and gleeful when he or she is condemned and insulted. Rejoice your glory a as loser! 是啊,本科不值钱,干脆读中专算了,就算肄业也能有钱赚,运气好一点还能盆满钵满,岂不美哉?还要受那读书的苦?