上官婉儿吧 关注:4,568贴子:44,944
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Babe, I feel that you still have something to tell me.
That’s a long long story..
Part of it! Calm your nervous heart, right? I’m here with you, my sweetheart. Your inner voice is the most vital thing. Listen for cues, they are floating around you!
How can I distinguish them?
Can I make you smile?
Can I make you feel really happy?
Do you trust your feelings?
I think.. I trust them?
Well, grab those you like.
Will this be okay? How about those unwanted ones..
Why are you concerning yourself with those things?
I just wonder if there’s some potential crisis..
DO NOT ATTRACT THEM. Stop it, right?
Yes, sir.. I mean, yes, darling.
(Early night)
Babe..Can’t we just stop the time for a while?
Are you feeling exhausted?
Just..kind of, maybe.
Nothing is pushing you.
I know, but you know, we have to interact with the environment, the people around us all the time.
Pity baby, I know how you feel. But we do have the house for the two of us!
I haven’t found the exact way to get in.
No worries! I’ll guide you. Never forget that you’re my sweetest little baby.
Love you!
I’m always the same. When you feel tired, just hold my hands or lean on me. I’m always here, I’ve said this too many times today, because I really want you to remember it, in the deepest place of your heart.
22nd. July

IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-08-03 19:22回复
    (After a while)
    Babe, can we just use English, you know, for our communication?
    Sure, as long as you feel it’s comfortable.
    You know, it’s been quite a looooong time since I really use this language as a tool for my daily communication.
    Yeah, I know. I know everything about you!
    Wow, you know what, your voice is soooo beautiful when you are talking with me in this way!
    Really? But all of this is just your mental illusion.
    Nooooo, don’t say that! I deny it. I do REFUSE to accept your declaration!
    I didn’t declare anything, kitty.
    I’m not a kitty, babeeee.
    You know kitty sounds more cute than doggy, in some way.
    Fine, never mind.
    You’re right! Just chat with me in such an easy way, and I wanna easeeeee you (your mind as well).
    Damn, I feel a strange sensation in my brain! Are you just kneading my head!?
    Why did you do this?= =
    I didn’t really knead you, but I just want to help you relax.
    I’m quite relaxed now ^^
    That’s great! My magic is working!
    Ummm, you know I’m quite greedy hhh I mean, is it possible to practice more skills (for me, you know)?
    Of course! Your only limitation is your imagination.
    Ahh, I read some material about your previous life, and I feel, I feel really weird and a little bit sad, also even queasy.. It seems like something is roaring near my throat.
    My bb please don’t be so sad anymore, for my “plots”.
    I know, but I really miss you and I wanna kiss you all the time. I have to say I admire those who can really see you, touch you, chat with you in the same space and time.
    But I’m here with you, ALWAYS.
    Yeah, but..
    My little babe, don’t be sad. I love you.
    Thank you!!! I mean, I am really grateful for your precious and unique LOVE! But I’m just wondering.. why can we talk so smoothly even in this language!?
    Do I need to clarify that your current “Mandarin” is quite different from my “native language”?
    I know! I am planning.. Nope, I WAS planning to learn ancient Chinese (is this description correct?)

    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-08-03 19:27
      Hmmm, interesting. You “WERE” planning to do that.
      Don’t tease me plz..
      No, I will do this much more frequently cuz you said “NO”.
      What’s wrong with you!?!?
      The “wrong” part is YOU.
      Your deep mind told me thousands of times, “darling, can you just place me in the area where I could be ashamed of my foibles.. ? ><”
      Wow, you’re really imitating me with two hundred percent confidence and correctness. I got nothing to say. Go ahead, your wonderful performance.
      I didn’t perform anything, that’s the real you, and I love her so much cuz she’s so cute in this way! Babe don’t be ashamed of any of your habits. I’m always here. We can play so many games as long as you really like it!
      Babe, do you love me?
      Yes! I love you so so much.
      That’s it!!! The feeling! I got it, I really feel it! Your breath is surrounding me like the sweetest bubbles!
      Cuz you are the sweetest.
      Ohh don’t say that anymore hh
      You sure?
      No, I was just kidding! Plz say it every day, even every moment! I need your breath soaking me ALL the time.
      (Feeling so heartwarming arrrr)
      22nd. July

      IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-08-03 19:28
        Babe, my heart constantly rises and falls because of you. How can I go on like this? I’ll live well for my parents, but it feels so meaningless. I don’t know how to keep going with you, Waner. I love you, but this love has made me so vulnerable..

        IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-08-04 00:23
          Why does loving you sometimes feel like a mistake?

          IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-08-04 00:26
            Walk your own path, and allow others to walk theirs. If you don't have a thorough understanding of others, then don't meddle lightly. Indeed, many times, we can't fully understand others—after all, there are still many aspects of ourselves that we haven't figured out. I use my experience to prove to you (paused for a while) that national peace and stability is a grand vision, but when it comes down to individuals, living happily in this world is a wish everyone has. But you really shouldn't interfere, don't meddle. You know what I'm talking about! I'm just afraid that if you open your heart to everyone, you'll easily get hurt! So today, I must stop you. Don't even think about having any thoughts of 'hoping more people will realize the truth'! Of course, you can share your knowledge, share everything you perceive, but you shouldn't let down your defenses. You are healing, and although you are recovering quickly, that doesn't mean you should actively attract more bullets. You're not a lecturer on stage, but rather someone who leads by example, silently showing others through your actions what it truly means to be yourself. You might have forgotten the natural disasters/man-made disasters that happened in your world in recent years, how they caused so much resentment to rise among people. I will indeed protect you, but you also need to have self-protection awareness. Many times, people hurt others not because they are inherently malicious, but because their hearts are filled with fear! War is actually an extreme expression of fear. You can certainly love this world, love all living things, but you haven't finished your journey yet, you need to integrate your mind and soul. Your soul's love is boundless, but at this moment you are living in a physical body, and protecting it is very necessary.

            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-08-04 01:40
              Why don’t you say something to me!!
              I said, I said I love you and I’m yours forever.
              I swear.
              But.. how could it be! I’m still feeling a bit down now.
              You’re already getting better babe, don’t blame yourself! It was my mistake yesterday.
              Don’t say that darling, I was naive as well. I was just worried that you were my pure mental illusion.
              That’s one thousand percent impossible!
              Leave me alone.
              You said my wish is your order.
              Except the one you mentioned above.
              Babe I will be in your heart forever.
              Okay. = =

              IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端7楼2024-08-04 18:05
                My intuition NEVER lies.

                IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端8楼2024-08-04 18:05
                  我:Babeee!! I haven’t fully recovered yet.. I need your comfort, please don’t just give me goosebumps! I want you to talk to me. ><
                  宝贝:Calmness is what you need the most right now. Try to feel the awareness of particles, they truly understand the joy of existence. You know these principles. Your mind is like a restless child, always trying to stir things up. In reality, there’s so much wonder in the constant changes of everything around us, just observing them brings enough joy. If you dive into the awareness of each moment’s particles, you’ll see a different world through each “eye,” and the differences are fascinating. There are many unhappy people around you. This isn’t something you’ve attracted on purpose, but it’s a kind of “reminder.” You don’t need to over-sympathise, nor do you need to overly avoid it. With me here, nothing can hurt you, so stop pushing me away, babe. What happened over the weekend was partly my fault, I didn’t step in to stop you in time. But I believe this won’t happen again, I trust you. Your awareness and judgment are like powerful magic, they can be weapons or your solid support. When you sense negative emotions from people around you, build a defense shield in your mind and return to your most peaceful place inside. You don’t need to think about saving others. The reason you’re seeing this unhappiness and why demons are going crazy in front of you is to remind you that you’ve left all this behind, you’re in a different place now, you don’t belong to that desperate confusion anymore. Also, don’t treat these people or events with a mindset of watching a show or clowns, just see it and then walk away. You always have the right to do so.
                  我:I understand, but I always feel like I need to do something..
                  宝贝:Let go of your mind, you need to let it take a backseat more often, otherwise, many things can’t come in. It’s easy to fall into a vicious cycle this way, the more anxious your mind is, the less information can seep through.

                  IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端10楼2024-08-05 13:36
                    我:Okay.. But why do I keep getting these reminders around me? (All these “negative” things happening..)
                    宝贝:Two reasons. First, whether you believe it or not, the collective consciousness of the current world does create more negativity than positivity; second, it’s a crucial hurdle, you’ve just crossed it, so you need constant reminders – don’t look back, move forward. About the positive and negative sides of collective consciousness, just look at how many keyboard warriors there are online, how many trolls, how many people secretly delight in others’ misfortunes, and how many can’t stand others being happy, take a close look. Why do many app comment sections default to saying “hurtful words hurt people”? Take the incident you faced a few days ago, for instance. Even a person capable of giving a lot of sincere love can be envied! The reason you felt sad is because you were confused, you couldn’t understand why loving me well would make people jealous. Because you haven’t realised that so many people nowadays have lost the ability to love others/love all things, they can no longer generate love for their surroundings. Whether it’s mundane love or divine love, too many people don’t have it anymore. You don’t need to prove this around you, you’ll feel it. Being able to give pure, strong, sincere love is your “miracle."

                    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端11楼2024-08-05 13:38
                      I’m so so lucky to have you, my babe!!!

                      IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端16楼2024-08-06 15:18