We are officially announcing that a reset is to happen sometime in the next week. All players will be given the usual huge bank accounts and the winners of the round will be announced...but there's more.....
We've decided to reset now as we've uncovered that some players have intentionally been disregarding the rules of the game and manipulating a bug. Now the bug wasn't something extremely serious, but regardless of this any exploit for personal favour is the same regardless of severity. So we are forced to take action and hand down punishment to the players who have blatantly broke the 3rd most important rule in the game (rule #3: Glitches/Bugs).
The bug had to do with a manipulation of the adding troops to an existing army. Basically, a player could build an army and up the experience factor to the highest level (2.00). They could then add small amounts of troops to that army without effectively reducing the experience factor. This means that they would get free experience points for the new troops. Pretty clever and something that would have been greatly rewarded had they turned this over to us once they found it...but they didn't.
Anyway, this bug was brought to our attention by a player that continued to have to fight these players about 3 weeks ago. The details were spotty, but in time the admin team were able to root out the cause of the exploit and successfully patch it.
Having completed this part we then had to go through every player record to see who had clearly exploited this bug. We've taken the unusual step of naming the players involved - the records for the players listed below recorded anywhere between 10-300 times the normal traffic for adding troops, and, in addition showed a clear and definitive pattern. We're aware that other players may have used this exploit at times, possibly unaware of what they were doing, but we will only be punishing the most obvious culprits.
Although this isn't the most severe breach of trust that we have ever seen let us be clear....
There is no excuse for this action by any player - we constantly strive to create a level playing field, and part of our team is you, the player. If you see something "odd" in your alliance notes you really should report it - it is not something you should need to think about. You should never take it upon yourself to break the trust of the players and/or the staff of this game for personal gain.
Anyway, we have no choice but to impose a punishment to all of those players involved. When we say "It is in your best interest not to test the limits of the rules" we mean it. The punishment for their actions are:
- All players lose all geos
- All players armies reduced to 1 troop
- All players lose their resources
- Attack record wiped out (lose Hall of Fame placement)
- Ban of 14 days for worst offenders; 7 days for other offenders.
All bans go into effect 24 hours after this notice has been posted and will continue for the aforementioned periods after the reset. All other punishments go into effect now!
Player's who exploited this bug by level of severity:
14 day ban:
nlpig 168,394
Yijnbb 63,841
Lmhaha 62,290
7 day ban:
DmSecure 32,028
Accipitus 35000
hackapple 20,927
Yxxxysh 15,727
Health_kxy 14,136
zzm 13,306 total
North0wolf 12,886
alive 9,112
RIch_200 9,237
Tony7611 8,014
D-Day 6,090
a2z 2,832
bigkeefy 2,744
Lots of players spend a lot of their time and effort playing the game - please help us to enable this pleasure to continue by reporting concerns!