『靠,这一大早就被他吵醒了,还让人怎么睡嘛!』 宋闵予很是不耐烦地从床上爬起来,连头发都是一团乱。
(宋明瑜一楞) "你是谁啊?打电话来鸡毛?"宋明岚不耐烦地说。
NOTE(請保留phone call的broken English)
電話那頭一陣沈默,很快傳來一個從容不迫的聲音,"小王啊,你 patiently 在我 LD 旗风內请 time 過來公司一趟,葉 Faculty 找你有事。"
"Find,But是 off 公司 hours, 你现 in 过来 face to face 聊這個 issue。 別的 either 电話联系 professor,约个时间见个面详谈."
王波說:"我馬上 take 公車過去。从我这里到你们学校,车程 405 分钟。车我不等
说句题外话,王波不是故意找你闲聊天的。他是 James 吗?我也 mention 你待的那个 project。他正在 frustrate, 可能需要 your 一些 encouragements 和 guidances。他 shown 对 you 和 我们 department对 你的帮助 encouragements. 我现在 只是 想就 如何 improve 我们的 research work 和 quality training 向您 请教一下 您的 一些想法和建议:
James told me that you are quite happy with my work and give me very positive feedback. But I totally understand this is just a beginning and there are still a lot of improvements needed. Here are a few of my thoughts:
1. In terms of research, I think I need to be more proactive and work more independently. When I encounter difficulties in experiments, I should try to solve problems by myself first before asking for help. I will read more papers and materials to strengthen my knowledge base.
2. For the projects I'm working on, I should make more detailed plans and set clear short-term and long-term goals. I will also improve work efficiency and time management.
3. Communication is very important in teamwork. I will communicate more with labmates, discuss issues we face and learn from their experience and knowledge.
4. I still need enrich my hands-on experiment skills through more practice. I will take initiative to participate more in various experiments.
5. I will maintain recorded experimental data more systematically and rigorously, to lay a good foundation for writing papers later.
My improvement plan is as above. Please point out anything that is improper or the deficiencies