These are believed to have been the Fathers of the West Street Males (Mapogos Grandfather's) Not much is known, but there were a Coaltion of 4-5 Males, It's believed there were born sometime in the late 1970's in Kruger National Park where they then moved to Sabi Sands. It's not known if there Coaltion was given a name. They were pushed out of Kruger by the Black Rock Males, Tyson & Scars Fathers. A few years after this they were seen mating with the "Eyrefield/Sparta" Lionesses. They gave birth to 5 Males which are believed to have been the West Street Males.
据信这些是西街雄狮的父亲(Mapogos 祖父)我们知之甚少,但当时有 4-5 只雄狮组成的联盟,据信它们于 1970 年代末在克鲁格国家公园出生,然后它们移居到萨比沙。尚不清楚联盟是否有名字。它们被黑岩雄狮、泰森和斯卡斯的父亲赶出了克鲁格。几年后,有人看到它们与“艾尔菲尔德/斯巴达”母狮交配。它们生下了 5 只雄狮,据信这些雄狮就是西街雄狮。

据信这些是西街雄狮的父亲(Mapogos 祖父)我们知之甚少,但当时有 4-5 只雄狮组成的联盟,据信它们于 1970 年代末在克鲁格国家公园出生,然后它们移居到萨比沙。尚不清楚联盟是否有名字。它们被黑岩雄狮、泰森和斯卡斯的父亲赶出了克鲁格。几年后,有人看到它们与“艾尔菲尔德/斯巴达”母狮交配。它们生下了 5 只雄狮,据信这些雄狮就是西街雄狮。