如果沙特阿拉伯俱乐部无法在今年夏天签下凯文·德布劳内,他们愿意等待,因为他的合同#ManCity将于 2025 年到期。虽然德布劳内没有表现出不安的迹象,但这并没有阻止沙特人的兴趣。
[通过@mcgrathmike ]
Saudi Arabian clubs are willing to wait for Kevin De Bruyne if they cannot land him this summer, with his #ManCity contract expiring in 2025. While De Bruyne has shown no signs of being unsettled, that has not prevented Saudi interest.
[via @mcgrathmike]
[通过@mcgrathmike ]
Saudi Arabian clubs are willing to wait for Kevin De Bruyne if they cannot land him this summer, with his #ManCity contract expiring in 2025. While De Bruyne has shown no signs of being unsettled, that has not prevented Saudi interest.
[via @mcgrathmike]