1L先祝各位星战粉原力日快乐!May the Force be with you all! 考虑到今年是《新绝地武士团:主向量》(The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime) 出版第25周年,我与@anakin✨ 决定将《主向量》部分情节改编为戏剧(杰森、杰娜、安纳金视角),给大家整个小活。
Well if I have anything to say about it…you guys couldn’t believe what I just ran into the other day. You’ve ever seen four Z-95 headhunters chasing you?
Yep. And there’s the guy named Nom Anor that gave me the weirdest impression ever. His face…ew. It’s not even natural, but more like scarred and tattooed and deformed…
Hologram or not, I don’t care. There’s something else: I have a feeling that this entire war between Rhommamool and Osarian is not as what it seems, that it’s a part of a larger scheme, a greater puzzle. But to solve it is beyond my ability.