碧蓝档案吧 关注:421,223贴子:10,166,944
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我去4chan上翻了一个小时的评论,最后得出结论是,红豆米私密马赛。根据我检查95%以上的人还是无所谓。对于这个联动大部分人都表示不可理喻,我这里放上一段原文“I think it's fascinating how fucking dumb these people are. These are fucking pngs with a woman doing voice acting for the character. That png is not your wife and cannot cheat on you.
And the affection thing is just some slop written by some random writer which is almost copypasted for each character and follows the same formula as each gacha game”根本没人在意,甚至说我们智力和LGBT差不多😅只有极其少数的会对联动不满,但是他们都是认为角色只不过类似于放在鱼缸里面观赏的小鱼

IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端1楼2024-04-06 23:55回复