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The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings


Placebo preparations, (Latin: "I will please"), only appear to be medications and contain no active medicinal agent, but, in spite of that, cause effects in the human being, such as those which become evident with real medicinal medications.   
Put another way, that means that human beings are, for example, freed from pain or are even healed of suffering by things which only appear to be medicines, that is to say, placebo preparations.   
In contrast to placebo preparations, there are the so-called nocebo preparations (Latin: "I will harm"), which, likewise, correspond to things which appear to be medicines, and so forth, and which fundamentally are also nothing other than placebos, which, as a rule, are made of sugar or other harmless substances and are therefore also called "sugar pills" and so forth.   
So, it can be said that placebo and nocebo preparations are essentially the same, however, are fundamentally different in their effect, exactly in accord with that which the patients, when they take such preparations, imagine in relation to the effect.   
The effect of placebo preparations is such that they act to promote health and relieve pain, or to even heal, while nocebo preparations have exactly the opposite effect.   
With the taking of nocebo preparations, which are truly also placebos, negative effects such as pain and suffering are caused as a result of the patient's negative imagination, therefore exactly theopposite of that which occurs when placebos, which are assumed to be means of healing, are taken.   
With the taking of nocebo preparations, when they are assumed to be damaging to the health or even deadly, that which comes about as a result of the imagination is: all kinds of pain, suffering, breathing difficulties, nausea and even symptoms of poisoning, dizziness, thirst, hunger, sudden sinking of the blood pressure, and all kinds of other things, which can lead to actual death as a result of the delusion.   
The might of the thoughts is always bound up with corresponding feelings, which do indeed result from the world of thoughts, and, in this combination, they form a deadly might, and also precisely in the context in which some preparation or other is taken - which is essentially only a fake medication, respectively, fake preparation or fake substance without active agents, and is completely harmless - but which has negative effects and consequently, as a result of a supposition, introduces suffering, pain, or death.   
So, human beings who are weary of life, can, for example, form deeply impressed, dark imaginations of an imminent misfortune, or of their own deaths, which actually also then kill them.   
And if the taking of nocebo preparations - respectively, of imagined, deadly medications or other substances - is also bound up with that, then the thoughts and feelings have the effect of actual deadly might, through which the self-destruct code in the human body is activated.   
Through such a nocebo effect, medical symptoms can actually also then come about in the body: for example; demonstrable, real symptoms of poisoning.   
So, the belief alone - respectively, the delusional imagination - that something bad will happen, that suffering and pain or death will come about, can destroy the life of a human being.   
The nocebo effect is therefore exactly the opposite of the placebo effect, whereby, therefore, one must observe that, alone, the might of bad thoughts, feelings and imaginations - especially when they are determined by delusion - cause the human being to become ill and even suffer death.   
Hypochondriacs also live in such delusions, whereby they evoke serious psychosomatic processes of suffering, however they vehemently deny their hypochondria.   
The fact also is that placebo, respectively, nocebo, preparations, show demonstrable physiological results and therefore their effects can be proven.   
Along with that, it can also be proven that placebo preparations evoke a positive effect as a result of the imagination and nocebo preparations evoke negative effects as a result of the imagination.   
If the nocebo is precisely observed along with any human being who believes in the negative effect of the preparation, then it is apparent that this has to do with a self-fulfilling, negative prophecy.   
It is thereby also a fact that the imagined, or true, knowledge about imagined, or genuine, side effects - as well as bad expectations and ideas - can exert a very bad influence on the health of the human being and make him ill or even kill him.   

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