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Emergency? What Emergency?
As everyone likely knows by now, the upcoming 3.2 patch recently announced by Blizzard will give twinks the option of turning of experience gain by visiting an NPC and selecting the switch. (Read all about the 3.2 changes in this thread, if you haven’t done so already: While most twinks would doubtlessly agree that being able to switch off XP gains permanently is a great addition to the game, it comes with a cost: any character that selects the option will no longer end up in the same BG queues as non-twink, experience-enabled characters. In other words, twinks and non-twinks will play in separate battleground instances.
When 3.2 goes live and twinks move into their own separate queue system apart from pugs, there is a very real possibility that there might not be enough twinks in the battle group to activate any sort of decent game. This is especially true for the 49 bracket, which is a great bracket but historically less populous than the 19s, 29s, and 39s. The lower level brackets may see a great deal of benefit from this patch, but our beloved 49 bracket may come to a screeching halt if players find it impossible to get in a game without enduring an unbearably long queue (or worse—never get in a game at all if there is a perpetual shortage of other players). The worst case scenario sees the communities we have forged in our own battle groups dying, leaving us only with fond memories. If you share our concern that this may happen to your battle group, we have come to give you a safe place for your twink. The Ruin community is offering its battle group as a place to transfer your twink(s) if your 49 twink bracket ceases to exist.
First and foremost, I want to make it clear that we are not trying to recruit from other functioning battle groups. Our goal is pick up the many talented solo players and guilds of any size that we know are out there, and give them a home in a community that they can play with and enjoy.
Why Transfer:
Until 3.2 is released, I wouldn’t suggest transferring unless you’re positive you want a change. I agree that the best strategy, before you invest your money in a transfer, is to wait and observe. I myself plan to watch the other battle groups closely, pay attention to the three different battle groups where I have toons, and listen to what people are saying about their experiences with queue times. Nevertheless, I realized (as have many others with whom I have spoken in-game on different battlegroups in the last few days) that the 49 community as a whole would be best served by thinking about these issues now and coming up with contingency plans for what is going to be the single most dramatic change to low-level PVP in WoW’s five year history. I am not here to recruit; I am here to better the 49 communities as a whole. If you’re morally opposed to a transfer, the next best solution is to make a twink on the battle group. I’d recommend speaking with some of the guild leaders on Ruin about funding and gear runs, they’ll be happy to help.

1楼2010-08-26 16:52回复

    Why Ruin?
    We chose Ruin because it is one of more populated 49 twink battle groups. This is not to say that other battle groups are unpopulated. That is not the case at all, and we will be ecstatic if there are multiple functioning battle groups post 3.2. Ruin was picked based on having a relatively high influx of transfers, along with a vibrant community. The 49 community here is very well established, and with many players hailing from many different servers and battlegroups, is happy to guide you to a fitting battle group, server, or guild. In our view, the specific choice of battlegroup was much less important than selecting a single battle group early so as not to be caught off-guard and without a clear solution should the worst case scenario come to pass after 3.2. In no way are we trying to claim this is the best battle group. , we just want to create a place for the 49 twinks stuck up the creek without a paddle.
    Where To Go On Ruin:
    Both Horde and Alliance twink guilds are spread across many different servers. Twinking ranges from large guilds that can field 10 competent players, to talented solo queuers who make an impact in every game they play. If you’re coming by yourself or with a friend, I would advise talking to the Guild Masters of the larger guilds, getting a roster to see if it’s your thing, and look into joining their ranks, where they can supply enchants, gear runs, and even get your gems cut for resale that you bought with honor. If you decide to bring over a group of people, or an entire guild, I would recommend setting up shop on a lower populated twink server where there is likely to be less auction house competition for twink items. You can merge with one of the smaller guilds, or set up your own shop and start dishing it out on the field.
    Ruin 49 Directory:
    Servers, Guilds:
    Most of these servers are East Coast, so I’d recommend putting a level 1 alt in a major city and testing your latency. Make sure your ping is good; because it’s more important to your enjoyment then you would think. Also check the server population to make sure you don’t get flustered in long queues, your twink is here to blow off steam. Don’t hesitate to whisper players on their server, or talk to them on this forum about what would be the best fit for you.
    And You Are….?
    I’m actually not a native Ruin twink. I have spent and spend the majority of my 49 twinking on the Whirlwind battle group. I feel that Whirlwind is one of the many battle groups that likely won’t survive the separation of pugs from twinks in the 49 bracket because of its smaller size. I will always look at the 49 bracket in Whirlwind as some of the best play time I’ve had, and the last thing I want to see is my favorite community obliterated by a patch. My motivation in spearheading this discussion is to make sure that I will still be able to play with my favorite people in my favorite bracket. I make my best attempt at sampling every 49 bracket to get a feel of what each unique twink community is like and want to take this opportunity to reach out to 49 players I don’t already know and invite you to join this discussion. No matter what battlegroup you come from, we share something in common—a love for the 49s.
    I don’t ask that you transfer to Ruin. My only goal in starting this conversation is to prevent a 49 meltdown in certain battle groups, and for that I need your help. I ask that you keep your eyes peeled in regards to 49 activities. I am posting this thread in every battle group; don’t hesitate to look at other battle groups and what they have to say. This patch has the capacity to make or break the 49s—I don’t want it to be the latter.

    2楼2010-08-26 16:52