克苏鲁神话吧 关注:141,802贴子:421,474

回复:Richard L. Tierney世界观相关整理


when the man had gone, daramos said quietly, “i see that you have recently learned a new truth, menander.”“yes, o judea i met a girl named lotis, and… and now i think i understand a thing which dositheus once tried to tell me.”the mage closed his eyes for a moment, then reopened them.“it is now understand what even taggart does not, despite all his knowledge of sorceries unknown to the peoples of this knows nothing of true spirits, though he is one of them, for the wisdom of his time made—or will make—such knowledge knows much concerning how the cosmos came to be, but nothing as towhyit knows that the churnings of the universe had produced mind, but of its corollary—that mind produces the universe—he knows he knows much about the minions of those old ones whose purposes he hopes to thwart, but of the nature of those old ones themselves there is much that he does not understand.”

IP属地:福建来自Android客户端39楼2023-11-12 01:42

    IP属地:福建来自Android客户端41楼2023-11-12 01:45
      我以前做过一个专栏,整理了<let there be darkness>里的设定
      【《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(1)-哔哩哔哩】 网页链接 【《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/18NFrvn

      IP属地:山东来自Android客户端42楼2023-11-12 11:02

        IP属地:福建来自Android客户端46楼2023-11-12 13:07

          IP属地:福建来自Android客户端47楼2023-11-12 13:08

            IP属地:福建来自Android客户端48楼2023-11-12 13:08

              IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端50楼2023-11-13 11:55
                “You cannot rescue her. The process cannot be reversed. Only by aiding me to precipitate the worlds from her substance, and by plunging into those worlds with her, can you hope to rejoin her.” Neither the Lord of Light nor his tiny human portion hesitated an instant. “Helen!” Simon cried out as he—as Lord Mazda—rushed forward and swung the sword of light. The black shape hove up its own sword and the twin blades of light and darkness met with a titanic clash of mighty energy—energy that instantly was absorbed by trillions of the nearest seething almost-particles, precipitating them into realness. Ennoia shrieked as those particles precipitated others into reality also, transforming her substance into the material that would form the worlds. Mazda, too, cried out in anger and amazement, for that flash of energy had for an instant illuminated the face beneath the lion’s-head crown of Achamoth—and he knew that that youthful yet angular face, scowling with rage and determination, though dark-haired and dark eyed, was yet the exact reflection of his own!

                IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端58楼2023-11-21 17:58
                  Then all the void, exploding into Being from the point where those sword-blades clashed, inflated colossally like a many-dimensioned bubble and poured forth as a torrent of enduring and inconceivably numerous particles. And with them went the sundered form of Lord Mazda, mingling with them as equally innumerable bits of light, while the dwindling laughter of black Achamoth seemed to thunder throughout all the worlds that soon would be…

                  IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端59楼2023-11-21 17:59
                    The blackness boomed harshly, deeply—was it an evil laugh? “I am the First Dream of the Ennoia. I have taken her being and sundered it into an infinite fineness, and from it I shall create lesser beings who will serve me, and material worlds which they shall rule, and creatures upon whose energies they and l shall feed. You will not find her whom you seek, for she is now all this seething void, and the incipient substance of all the worlds and beings that shall come forth from it at my command.”
                    阿萨托斯诞生自Ennoia。是Ennoia是第一个梦。并将Ennoia化作所有生命与世界的incipient substance

                    IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端60楼2023-11-21 18:01
                      Turning, he beheld the intense filament of trapped vital and spiritual energies being beamed away from dark Iukkoth into the vast starry space—straight toward that large red star of Orion’s shoulder known to Ostanes as K’lu-vho. And Simon shuddered at the realization, for K’lu-vho was reputed to be the home of those Primal Gods who ruled the universe and fed upon the pain and fear of all creatures within it.

                      IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端61楼2023-11-21 18:03
                        But then, abruptly, as he felt his spirit approach the final barrier—the speed beyond which matter could not go, so that matter-bound beings were trapped within the realm of the Primal Gods—he saw the entire vast material universe simultaneously expand into infinite blackness and collapse into an infinitely small nothingness. Suddenly time and space were not— And then there was Light—transcendent, blazing, all-pervading radiance—and Simon’s mightily expanded soul exulted anew. He had won through the Seven Barriers to the Pleroma, the Fullness, the Realm of Light.

                        IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端62楼2023-11-21 18:04
                          Time there was, but of a higher order than what his tiny—human? —portion had known. Space there was, but of many more dimensions than that which the fleeting dream-human had lived in. What this human named—Simon of Gitta?—had known as time was but one of those lower dimensions, so that all he had known of past and future were as—now.

                          IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端63楼2023-11-21 18:04
                            He did not know when or where he was, nor did he need to, for all whens and wheres were gone in that stupendous expansion-implosion, gone into the not-yet and the yet-to-be, which were the same yet not the same and did not exist.

                            IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端64楼2023-11-21 18:05

                              IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端65楼2023-11-21 18:08