“Winter repeats itself, and those who should meet will meet again, so we don't have to always worry about regrets, but learn to look forward to them. But from then on, we never met again. The part of me who was changed by you will forever accompany me in your place. All the water in the world will meet again, and the Arctic Ocean and the Nile River will blend in the wet clouds. This ancient and beautiful metaphor makes this moment sacred, even if we wander, every road will take us home. 冬天会周而复始,该相逢的人会再相逢,所以我们不用总惦记遗憾,而是要学会期待。但从此我们再也没有相逢,被你改变的那部分的我,会代替你永远陪伴我。 全世界的水都会重逢,北冰洋与尼罗河会在湿云中交融,这古老美丽的比喻让此刻变得神圣,即使漫游,每条路也都会带我们回家。” ——黑塞《克林索尔的最后夏天》