You are only a whisper away But I can touch your heart If the words aren't enough to bet your soul I'll give you the moon You are always shining sun or rain Like a violet stone I Close my eyes but you never fade But you never disappear I feel alone Can you see me standing on the verge of blue? I'll be watching all the stars till they are gone Should I know nothing could make me miss you less? Oh, I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I holding dreams of you It may take no less than this pain But I can stop loving you Feel my heart You have never known that you have all of me Every time I see you I am falling in love I can live or I can live without you Oh I've been waiting for you To tell me what is love I don't know how to be loved How to be by your side Morning light shines in my room I'm holding dreams of you It may take no less than my life But I can't stop loving you
>>。You are only a whisper away .But I can touch your heart. 因枯萎而发黄郁金香的花瓣聋拉下来,瓣瓣蜷缩着且遍布棕黑色斑点。攥在手心太久所以指甲刺进去刻下一道浅掐痕。什么姜花什么木芙蓉,时光踏过也不过一柄草绿。至少我还记得沉眠三千昼夜的郁金香,至少还落得一句白茶,先生。
>>。If the words aren't enough to bet your soul .I'll give you the moon. 她说悬崖尽头有大片大片木芙蓉,她说它们生生世世盛绽不枯。谁让时光机走得那么慢,踉跄蹒跚怎么也找不到终点,蠹蚀的桃木把手醒来了,然后断掉了。所以它疲倦地停了,如同朝圣的休止。其实从悬崖上向下望的时候总在念自己会小心翼翼,一直到触及崖底之前大把的时间却都被用来寒心。
>>。You are always shining sun or rain .Like a violet stone. 一个光着脚的孩子在童话里迷路了,他寒冷且恐慌,却不得不前行。因为太清楚其中希冀所以不得不说对不起我太高估自己了。抹去紫罗兰色哽咽的铅华余下的是一片深绛。深不见底。谁可以依然如故地冲我笑然后说先生你的白茶。
>>。I close my eyes but you never fade.But you never disappear. 再问你最后一次。为什么而悲,为什么而鸣。金色和灰色两点之间终究有一条看不见的线,一如绕指的红。隐隐的光升起来了,另一端我的眸子褪下去了。再也看不见,看不见,看不见。但是又分明看到了,那一袖软红,十丈苍青。
>>。I feel alone.Can you see me standing on the verge of blue? 眸子痴痴地挣扎了半晌闭不上却最终还是看不到了,涸辙的鱼在空气中逐渐窒息。谁投了毒药,谁饮了毒药。魅惑的香气开始微笑,红的,紫的,白的,黑的,还有金色的。所有的郁金香都在微笑,我再也认不出哪一朵是在我手心枯萎的那朵了。不,我记得,它是金色。唯一的金色。
>>。I'll be watching all the stars till they are gone.Should I know nothing could make me miss you less? 叫嚣着的仍然在叫嚣。角落里依旧安安静静。她说启明星升起的时候长庚星就落了,说完自己也笑了。我想笑笑让她开心却没能笑出来。最后连听觉也消失了,一片沉寂,就像冬天的深夜,寒冷而且恐惧。两只脚已经红肿,出口却仍然没出现。奇迹是让谁偷去了呢。
>>。Oh, I've been waiting for you.To tell me what is love.I don't know how to be loved.How to be by your side. 其实我早就知道了。白茶只不过是梦。木芙蓉只不过是梦。悬崖只不过是梦。冬夜只不过是梦。什么都是梦。连时光机也只是个梦。桃木手柄太累了所以睡着了,时光机也累了。在大片大片认不得的德文中疲倦了累了,冻红了双脚再也不想前行。我只是想要一双鞋,丢在奇迹的另一端的一双帆布鞋。然后,逃离。