Molecular anthropology technology is widely applied in the fields of anthropology and archaeology, playing an increasingly important role in human origin and evolution, population migration and exchange, kinship between populations, and archaeological identification. In 1987, the British journal Nature published an article titled "Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution" by three molecular biologists, R. L. Cann, M. Stoneking, and A. C. Wilson, from the University of California, Berkeley. They selected 147 indigenous women with ancestors from Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, as well as Papua New Guinea and Australia, We successfully extracted mtDNA from the placental cells of their infants after giving birth, analyzed its sequence, and drew a system tree based on the analysis results. It is speculated that the measured mtDNA of infants can trace all modern humans back to approximately 290000 to 140000 years, with an average of 200000 years ago being a woman living in Africa. She is the common 'grandmother' of people living in various corners of the earth today. Subsequently, based on the rate of mtDNA mutations, the approximate time for African populations to differentiate into other populations in the world was calculated, which was approximately 180000 to 90000 years ago, with an average of approximately 130000 years ago. It is believed that about 130000 years ago, a group of descendants of this "grandmother" left their homeland in Africa and migrated to various parts of the world, gradually replacing the early Homo sapiens descendants of the indigenous population of Homo erectus who lived there. From then on, they settled in various parts of the world and gradually evolved into what we are today. This is the famous "Eve hypothesis" of the origin of modern humans.